Chapter 6

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A/N Hi guys! I hope you like this chapter (for once it's actually a decent 1.1K words)! I worked really hard on it so I hope you enjoy! Btw, even though there's not romance besides hinted Karmisaga in this fic, I am a huge FinRoyRin (Finny x Bardroy x Mey-rin) shipper and I think the three of them are so cute together (Anyone who has something against poly relationships can fight me)! Don't forget to vote, comment, add and follow if you liked this chapter, or give any constructive criticism <3 

No one in class 3-E thought Ciel was going to come back. They all thought that he had tried, and then he went home to his posh (Ciel spoke like a British noble (to be fair, he was a British noble) and it had rubbed off on everyone) mansion and servants. That's why they all spit out their water when he arrived in class the next day, actually wearing the school uniform for once.

Koro-Sensei continued the talk as normal, but no one could really pay attention. All eyes in the room were focused on Ciel, who was calmly taking notes as if nothing happened yesterday.

The teacher was about to call everyone's attention to the board for the fifth time in the last half hour when the door bursts open.

"Oi, Mey-rin, are you sure this is the right room, 'seems strange that they would make children climb this mountain every- Finny put down the bird you're gonna snap its neck" a blond middle-aged man with a scruffy beard and a cigarette hanging from his mouth. The man took the thing from his mouth with a calloused hand. "'Ello there, the names Bardroy! Is this Class 3-E of Kun- how was it pronounced again? Nevermind, it's nice- aw damn no- it's a pleasure to meet you!" He gave the students a wave, along with a bright smile. He had an American accent and didn't seem too suspicious, just extremely friendly.

"Oh! And I'm Mey-Rin! The lad in the hat is Finny! You'll have to forgive him for wandering everywhere, he quite loves nature and this mountain is so full of it! Nothing compared to the woods outside of the mansion, but anything can keep Finnean interested!" A red-haired girl with round, misty glasses popped up next to him, smiling and tucking a strand of red hair into her short pigtails (buns? The students aren't really sure).

No sooner had the words "nature" left the girl's mouth when a short, blond-haired boy peeked through the door, curiosity making him jump up and down in delight. Before he could introduce himself (which really wasn't necessary since Mey-Rin had just said more than enough) Mr. Michaelis appeared out of nowhere, a dangerous gleam in his eye.

"Finny, Mey-Rin, Bard" His eyes narrowed, sending a shiver down everyone's spine. "What are you doing here?"

Finny blinked and smiled at the man cheerfully "The Young Master sent for us"

The raven-haired male snapped his head towards Ciel, who was calmly sipping his tea and looking at Sebastian without a trace of fear in his eyes- wait, where'd he get the tea?!

"Oh did he? I thought he was going to do it by himself?"

"No, he's wiser than that, he's gonna have help. Just not your help"

An aura of jealousy and anger radiated from the man, and the students subconsciously etched away from him. "Well then," he said through gritted teeth "Good luck to him"

Ciel glowered at him from behind the teacup- seriously, did this kid carry a portable set with him?- "He doesn't need your luck"


The servants were acting more childlike than Ciel. Which, to be fair, didn't have to be that childlike. But they were eager during lessons (for some reason Koro-sensei allowed them to stay as long as Bardroy stopped smoking) and even more eager during lunch. The octopus had brought them food from everywhere since Bard had failed to bring their own and the servants were freaking out about all of the not-burned food. According to the younger blonde boy, Bardroy was the chef and he couldn't cook to save his life, which really didn't make much sense to any of the students.

To be completely honest, Class 3-E was getting pretty darn comfortable with the servants. Even Ciel seemed less stoic with them around. That was until five minutes until the end of lunch.

"I just really want to thank you for this Koro-sensei!" Mey-rin squeaked, cheeks as red as her hair. "We haven't really had a decent meal since the young lord left and we really appreciate you letting us stay here!"

"Oh my! Mey-rin there's no need to thank-"

"That's why I'm really quite sorry about this" in less than a second Mey-rin had pushed up her glasses, gotten two green Anti-sensei pistols from somewhere in her skirt and started shooting her target with more skill and precision than most pro assassins the students had seen.

"Oh wow! You really are talented aren't you?" Koro-sensei chirped as he dodged Mey-rin's bullets.

The maid wasn't really surprised, though she would be if anyone else dodged her shots. The young master had supplied them with enough information (they never needed to know much, but this case was different) to know that this creature was in-humanly fast. And from what she observed yesterday from the young masters recording, Mr. Sebastian couldn't even get a direct hit in more than a few times. That wasn't going to stop Mey-rin from trying

"I didn't expect you to be here to assassinate me, are the other two here for that as well?"

Mey-rin took a moment to bow, reloading her pistols with Anti-Sensei bullets, and looked Koro-sensei in the eye. The octopus visibly shivered. "Forgive me if I don't strike up a conversation," the woman said coldly "It is my duty as a maid to do what my master tells me, and he has informed me that it would not be a good idea to reveal any information. I merely do what I am instructed to." With that she shot again, moving so quickly and with such precision that a bullet grazed the tip of Koro-Sensei's tentacle, making the creature's eyes widen in shock, but then melt into a look of admiration.

"So talented! Such a great aim! See, students, this is a pro-assassin at work!"

Mey-rin froze, her eyes becoming hooded and her hand shaking with anger. "No" she hissed, holding the pistol tighter "I am not an assassin. I am not one of them. Not anymore- no- I'm not- I will never- I don't want to-"

"Mey-rin, that's enough" Ciel interrupted, "You've done what you can. You are excused. Make sure to have the mansion clean when I get back"

The maid blinked, shocked out of her daze, and pushed her glasses back on her nose "Yes young master!" she squeaked, and no one had really noticed how nasally her voice was. Before anyone could blink twice, Mey-rin had hidden her weapons and was out of sight, dashing down the hill. 

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