The Party

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So here i was dancing to Psycho Killer with closed eyes and zero care in the world. I love dancing, it makes me feel this peaceful numbnes, only listening to my body and how i move it to the rhythm.
I opened my eyes to look around, see the friendly faces of good people having a good time. That's when i noticed him. Right there, next to the kitchen entrance, standing so awkwardly with a drink in his hand. I had to stop moving, to make sure i wasn't going crazy, and look again. It was my goddamn teacher, from my junior year in law school. With so much alcohol in my system the absurdity of seeing Mr. Jackson at a house party seemed hilarious, I decided to go and say hi ofcourse! I had made it my priority to discover why the hell was he even here. I mean he wasn't that much older than us, i believe only 6 or 7 years older than me, probably there were older people here than him.
"Well, Mr. Jackson! What a surprise to see you in such a hostile environment! "
"Nice to see you Lu! Yes indeed it even surprises me that i'm actually here."
"Would you like to go outside and chat? Like... you seem to be having terrific fun, don't get me wrong..."
"Let's go. Please."
"Haha alright follow me."
So i was heading outside, with my ex teacher, to chat outside of a house party... Ohhkay totally normal totally cool.
"Here's my favourite spot."- i said while sitting down on the bench that was facing the entrance of the now dark forest.
"Oh, so this place is yours?" he sat down next to me. Very carefully he crossed his legs and placed his arms in his lap.
"I wish. No but, it's my friends house, you maybe have seen her around Uni" i couldn't resist i had to ask him why was he here.
"Mr. Jackson, it may sound a bit personal, but how come you are here? You don't seem to be the biggest party fan the world has known"
"Haha well I clearly don't belong here but actually, my friend Will invited me, and i turned him down so many times that he kind of obliged me to come to this one. Honestly it feels a bit ridiculous."
"I don't find you ridiculous, i even used to have a mayor teacher crush on you haha." drunk me failed me again. Why the fuck did i had to tell him that. He looked at me, with a surprised, but kind of content look. I was mortified.
"Khm. Well... That's good to know."
"Oh my god I'm so sorry, please Mr. Jackson let's forget about what i just said, i drank too much i don't know what I'm saying, I didn't mean to offend you."
"You know you should call me Alexander. I'm not your teacher anymore. ... You didn't offend me at all, Lu."
So we sat there, in a heavy silence. I was waiting for him to just say something or go inside or just help me out here. I felt horribly awkward.

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