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Luckily, Hanna came out and saved me "Lu i need you right now! Broken glass everywhere!"
"Sorry, Mr. Jacks.. ohm Alexandre.. I gotta go. Kitchen emergency.. Haha"
"See you later Lucy. Don't worry about what you said, it's already forgotten."
"Yeah, cool man. Thanks." That's all i managed to say beforehand i rushed to the kitchen. Stupid.
"Here help me out, hold this thing while i swipe the glass onto it."
"Okay,just watch out don't get glass on me"
"By the way, thank you for talking to Wills friend. I hope he wasn't too weird with you or anything."
"Oh Hanna... You won't believe this, but his the teacher i used to talk about. Remember?"
She stopped the swiping, looked me in the eyes.
"Oh my god are you joking? This weirdo, is the tall, handsome, mysterious Professor? Hahahahahah"
She laughed hysterically. Dumb bitch-I thought to myself. He really is attractive. What am i thinking... I'm so drunk.
"Yeah so, ya know like I'm kinda drunk, and... I actually told him i used to have a crush on him and now i want to be buried six feet deep into the ground"
"This is so much like you hahahah. What did he say?"
"Nothing really. I can't remember"

After we got rid of all the glass i decided to go home. I wasn't having fun anymore, and i didn't want to run into Mr. Ja... Alexandre.

The moment i opened the door i heard a "khm" from behind me.
"Would you mind me joining you in this procedure?"
"You mean you want to leave with me?" It was Alexander. I was burning.
"Yes, please."
So we headed out together. Kinda weird, walking with your teacher in the streets at night. I wasn't even completely sober yet.
"uhg, it's chilly. I'm so dumb i didn't even took a jacket or a sweater with myself."
"Well i have an extra sweater in my bag somewhere..."
"Would you mind?"
Ha started searching in his leather backpack. I had to look at him. It feels so weird. I know every details about his appearance, i used to observe him in class, watch out for every little thing. I guess i was really bored. But he still is as handsome as ever. Dark long hair in a ponytail, slender figure, beautiful facial structure, and juicy lips. I like his lips the most.
"Here you go. Let me hold your bag while you put it on."
Old, grey sweater. Crewneck. Smells of cigarettes and soap. Lovely.

And so we hoped on the tram. He asked me about college and my ambitions. Teacher small talk. I asked him about his new students. We laughed a lot, i guess because we have the same weird sense of humour that is bulit mostly around sarcasm, and horrible puns.
"Lucy since I'm not your teacher anymore, would you mind giving me you number? You said you were a theatre enthusiast, maybe i could ring you whenever there's a good piece. I would certainly enjoy your company, even in a more educated environment than a party."
"Sure thing. Here, let me type it in"
He gave me his phone. The background was a page from a book. In Latin. What a nerd. I proceeded to type in my number. Than stood up.
"Next stop is mine. Thanks for the night."
"Why thank you. See you soon"
He smiled at me. He truly is gorgeous. If we were in a porno movie I'd surely suck him on the tram. But hey, I'm here in the actual real life. And fuck i forgot to give him his sweater back.

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