Unknown Number

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//hey! I just wanted to mention that i changed his name to Alexander, because it fits the character more. Okay now back to the story. :) //

Going to law school comes with a lot, (and when i say a lot i mean a threatening amount) of studying. It has been a week or so since the party. I'm at the library, working on my essay about prison, and the rights of prisoners.
I still have his sweater. It's in my bag, i carry it around like a mojo. You know just in case I'd got cold, or bump into him accidentally. When will he call? It's been a week already.
After all my classes and treacherous amounts of time in the library i walked home. I don't live far away from Uni, only a 10min walk, it's my time to think.
I love this city, but i never feel safe walking home alone at night.
My phone started buzzing in my pocket. Unknown number... Its like i manifested it.
"Hello, Lucy speaking."
"Well, hello. It's me Alexander, I'm calling because i was wondering if maybe... Excuse me first of all, am i not disturbing you or anything?"
"No not at all Professor. I can talk. What is it that you wanted to tell me?"
"This weekend, more precisely tomorrow, they are playing The Great Gatsby in the National Theatre. I have an extra ticket if you perhaps felt like joining me."
"Oh, thank you. That's really sweet of you Professor,"
"Yes sorry. Erm, i think i'm free tomorrow, so.. When do you want me to be there?"
"The show starts at 8pm, so be there by half past 7. If its okay."
"Yeah,cool. I'll be there. I actually am in love with the book itself, so i can't wait. Thank you again. How much do i owe you for the ticket?"
"You don't owe me anything, don't be silly. Take care for now and see you tomorrow."
"Okay,you too. And thanks!"
"Be on time."
Aaargh why is it that anytime i have the opportunity to impress someone my vocabulary leaves me, and everything i say sounds uneducated, even childish. But anyways, I'm excited! I'll re-read the book tonight, to be on point tomorrow.

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