Theatre Part III.

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I sat down. He sat down. The curtain came up. It felt warm in my stomach, but still i was restless. I couldn't focus on the second part of the play, which is a shame, I'm sure it must have been grand from the amount of applause it got at the end.
We headed out of the theatre, still arm in arm, but we didn't say anything to each other, we just enjoyed the feeling of pleasent unsureness. Normally, when i go out with a guy i like i end up in his bed and leave before 5am. This time its different. It's slow, and it's warm.
"Would you mind if i accompanied you home? I couldn't help but notice you got out of the tram at a pretty sketchy neighbourhood last time, and it's late."
"Well only if it's no bother to you."
"I wouldn't ask in the first place if it was, would i?"
He took out a cigarette pout it in his mouth with a gesture that look almost slowed down, and lit it up. I hardly knew this man. This was the second time i met him for real, not in a class environment. I knew nothing about him, only what you can tell from the outside. He appears calm, the way he talks and moves makes him stand out, and one can only wonder how such a young men could be so well put together, and confident.
We talked about all the fantastic poems we read in our lifes, and quoted our favourites on the way back.
"So Lucy it looks like you only like poetry about decay, or love. Charles Baudelaire, Paul Eluard... quite queer. Do you perhaps see a connection between love and disgusting things?"
"I erm.. Actually yes. Its kinda funny, well no its not but..."
"You don't have te explain if it makes you uncomfortable."
"No it's just, that in real life i got more comfort in reading about other people seeing gruesome stuff as normal and beautiful, and real love brought me more pain than joy, so I always hid behind the most passionate and exquisite poems."
He was thinking about what i said, i think he was even trying to memorise it in order to think about it later, in a calmer environment.
" But you Alexandre, appear to like antique poetry, which is I'd say not so surprising and quite boring, considering you teach Roman law. You are hiding something, I'm sure."
"Bingo. George Byron and Sylvia Plath."
We went on and on and dissected why we liked certain things, trying to intellectualy understand each other. I think it was the most sexy conversation I ever had. We finally arrived to my door.
"Thank you for walking me home, for this extraordinary conversation, and of course the play. All in all i had an amazing evening."
"Thank you for coming with me. I didn't have such a mind blowing conversation in a while, by the way i hope i did not bore you or offended you with any of my opinions."
"You did not."
He started to smoke, so i also got myself a cigarette out and did to.
"Would you do me the pleasure of joining me on Monday at noon for lunch?"
"Of course, needles to ask."
"Well than, I'll call you the day before."
We said each other goodbye at least 10times. And i gave him a kiss on his cheek. He got flustered, i got revenge.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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