Theatre Part II.

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The first part of the play was epic. I was really focused on what was happening on the stage. The actor who played Gatsby was actually terrific, and Daisy was gorgeous. No mistakes in the casting. They were able to really give out the whole vibe of the book. I enjoyed it a lot.
"Lucy do you mind if we go out during the pause? I need a smoke."
"Yeah of course no problem. I have some Golds if you want some."
"Thank you but i also smoke Golds."
We chatted about the play as we were heading out, turns out he liked it just as much as i did. I took out a cigarette of the pack and he gave me the look. You know the judgy kind.
"You shouldn't smoke you know, it's very bad for you."
"Yeah, but for you it's extra good and healthy. Come on i don't think you'll be the one who'll help me stop Alexandre."
I took a spliff.
"Honestly you look so deep and dark while smoking that it would be a crime to make you stop."
I must have flashed red cause he started to giggle.
"Deep and Dark but she can't hide her embarrassement. Haha"
"Shut up it's not embarrassement. It's just hot out here."
"Pardon me." He said with a huge smile across his face. I couldn't even look him in the eyes. So he was hitting on me or was this just a funny little compliment?
"You know, I'm really glad you came. Since i saw you at that party i've been thinking about what you said quite a lot."
Oh shit. I'm burning.
"You mean thinking about what you specifically said to me that you forgot?" My voice was shaking with embarrassment. I didn't have a clue about what was he going to say next.
"Haha yes that one. Look, i feel the need to tell you that maybe it wasn't just you. Maybe i helped it a little. It's truly unprofessional of me but you were my favourite student. I didn't used to have a crush on you or that sort of thing, but you had my attention a lot more than all of your other colleagues. I'm sorry if that got you confused or made you uncomfortable at any moment. "
He was maybe the nicest guy i ever met. He truly took the time and thought about his actions. I still think that it had nothing to do with the fact that i found(find) him damn attractive, but it felt good to know that he was this kind of good. Profoundly good.
"Used to?" i asked
"Well, I do now. But don't get anxious, i want to get to know you before i even ask you out on a rendez-vous. -
Now this time he was the one who couldn't look me in the eyes. - you will be given many options to run away don't worry." He was smiling. He knew i liked him. They called us back in for the second part.
" I think we should head in Alexandre." I slid my arm under his, and we walked back arm in arm.

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