Not Over It

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I woke up in his sweater, and as hangedover as ever.
My head. Jesus where did i put my painkillers.. I took an aspirin, made myself a coffee, and got out on the balcony for a smoke. I had 3missed calls and 10text messages form Hanna, so i called her.
"Lu! Are you alright? You just disappeared last night! Are you at home?"
"Yeah I'm fine, sorry i didn't say goodbye but you were busy. I'm home everything is alright."
"How did you manage to get home anyways? You seamed pretty messed up..."
"I had... Company. Anyways, how are you? When did the party end?"
"I'm fine. I guess. Will flirted with another girl again, but nothing unusual. We stayed up till 5am than everyone went home, or fell asleep in a corner. I had to clean a huge mess."
"Well it was a pretty successful party i think. Thanks for having me."
"Look i gotta go. Catch you later."

I was fine, i really was. Yet i couldn't stop myself from thinking; about my ex. The bastard did me good. Broke my fucking heart, and I'm still not over it. And i know too well why I'm thinking about him. It's been a year since he told me that he was looking for someone more serious, and closer to his age. Like i was just a stupid little girl, only a fantasy of his, nothing real. I was in love i think. Very much in love. The kind where you know the other doesn't feel the same but you feel like you have enough love for two. I feel so angry and disappointed, i can't talk about it to anyone. No-one really knows why we broke up. It's private,because I'm too ashamed, because again i wasn't good enough. Because i was 13 years younger.

I took a shower, ate scrambled eggs, studied and naped the whole day.

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