Chapter Five

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I wasn't too surprised to find that the work was easy to pick up. It was pretty straight-forward. All I had to do was answer the phones, check-in customers and schedule consultations. Other appointments were scheduled by the artists themselves since they would know how long it would take and how many sessions. If there were any walk-in's I would refer them to an artist that had a free slot.

    The shop wasn't too busy this early, but the guys said it would likely pick up later. I had been on my own for a few hours and everything was going without a hitch.

So far at least.

     I was busying myself with straightening and organizing the disaster that was the desk when I heard the door chime. When I looked up, polite smile in place, I found a tall, leggy blonde making her way to the counter.

I wondered which guy she was going to see.

    "Welcome to Colorado Ink, how may I help you?" I greeted her.

    She narrowed her eyes, smacked her gum and tossed her hair over her shoulder.

    "Get Jensen for me," she snapped.

    My smile tightened.

    "Of course. What's your name?"

    She glared at me as if I should already know.

    "Mercedes," she snarled.

    I picked up the phone and dialed Jensen's extension. The rule was, if they didn't answer on the second ring, then they were busy and I was to ask the person to wait or take a message.

Sadly, I knew he wasn't busy and he answered on the first ring. I would have loved for the gum-smacking hussy to have to wait.

    "Hallo, luv," he drawled.

    Damn, his voice was even hotter over the phone.

    I cleared my throat.

    "There is a Mercedes asking for you," I informed him, trying to sound professional, but I'm pretty sure I just sounded ridiculous. "The person, not the car."

    I smirked at her over the counter.

    She just rolled her eyes and kept on smacking her gum. I was starting to feel sorry for it; it was like she was trying to murder it.

    "Be right there," he clipped, then hung up.

    I returned the handset back to the base and looked up at the girl.

    "He's on his way," I said, smartly.

    A few seconds later, Jensen rounded the front of my desk. I didn't bother looking up but had to keep reminding myself that it was none of my business and that I barely knew the guy. I could hear him whispering to her and she gave an exaggerated laugh. It took a lot of effort not to groan in disgust. She was so fake.

    It was suddenly quiet, so I thought it was safe to look up, but I was wrong. They were molded together and it looked like she was trying to eat his face. It was gross, and I did groan in disgust this time. They could at least have the decency to go back to his studio.

    They pulled apart and looked at me. Blondie looked at me like I had some nerve butting in on their moment while Jensen had the decency to look shamefaced. I didn't bother hiding my disgusted look. He looked back at the girl and lead her out the door.

    It was the douse of cold water I needed. He was clearly taken and from the looks of that girl, I was most definitely not his type. I didn't look anything close to that; I was short at five-two and had a curvy frame and I didn't look good with blonde hair. I was his girl's polar opposite.

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