Chapter Fifteen

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Things seemed to die down after a few weeks and Jensen and I established a routine that seemed to work for both of us.

We didn't talk about what was going on with him and we would take his mood swings in stride. As in we ignored them altogether and I pretended that it was just normal Jensen behavior. Which at this point it seemed to be.

    During the week he normally came home after work and sometimes we would carpool. On the weekends, however, I've found that he is a busy guy and sometimes I wouldn't see him until early Sunday morning.

I tried not to let it get me down because it fell into the 'it's not my business' category and I was trying to get past my feelings for him, plus I was seeing Alex now.

    Jensen never brought his conquests to the apartment, and it turned into an unspoken rule we both seemed to follow. I showed the same respect by not allowing Alex to come over.

This bugged Alex to no end, but I didn't want to risk another showdown if I let Alex come over and Jensen was home.

    "Frey?" Jensen snapped his fingers in front of my face.

I blinked up at him, bringing him into focus.

    "Sorry, what?" I asked, confused.

    "All right, luv?"

    "Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just not fully awake, I guess." We were sitting at the bar in the kitchen, eating the breakfast he had cooked us.

    "Well, now that I have you back, what would you like to do today?"

    A smile lit my face as I realized that today was Sunday. Sunday was 'roommate day'. We were both off work and we dedicated the entire day hanging out with just each other.

It was a day I looked forward to all week and a day I dreaded all week. Mostly because I felt like I shouldn't be looking forward to it, but I couldn't help it. I liked hanging out with Jensen.

    "I'm not sure. What did you have in mind?"

    "Well, you were saying last night you were tired of rereading all your old books, so I thought we might hit up the library. Or the bookstore."

    It was things like that that made it hard for me not to have feelings for him. He was so thoughtful and listened to me when I talked. Like what I was saying was important, and he found it interesting.

Alex didn't understand my love for reading and always brushed it off as a boring way to spend time. It made my head spin. I knew I should have feelings towards Alex because he was my sort-of boyfriend, but here I was grinning at Jensen like he was the reason for my existence.

    I was so messed up.

    "That sounds perfect," I said, smiling up at him.

    "Get your cute arse up and go get ready." He stood grabbing my plate and his before rounding the bar into the kitchen, giving me a wink as he passed.

My stomach did a little flip and I suppressed a giggle as I skipped down the hallway to my room.

    My phone ran as soon as we pulled to a stop in front of the library. I pulled it out of my bag and Alex's face flashed across the screen.

    "I'll meet you inside," I said to Jensen, stepping out of the car. I swiped my finger across the screen. "Hey, Alex!"

    "Hey, beautiful," he greeted me "I was thinking about you today and I want to see you. Can I pick you up?"

    "Oh. I'm sorry, Alex. I already have plans today." Did it make me a bad girlfriend because I didn't want to blow off my plans with Jensen for Alex?

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