Chapter One

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I glanced around my room, looking at the objects that accumulated over the years. The old textbooks, the pictures, trophies, things that wouldn't be coming with me. I couldn't believe I was going that I was finally moving out of my parents' house to attend the college of my dreams. And not just any college either. I had chosen to move over a thousand miles to attend the University of Colorado Denver. It was long overdue and I couldn't wait to get going.

The plan had been to go straight to college after high school, but things didn't work out as planned. I ended up having to stay close to home to help my family while attending the local community college and working a part-time job at a diner saving every last dime that I had.

Now after three long years, I will finally live my dream.

My parents were thrilled about me leaving. They wanted me to get out of this small town to experience life as they had wanted. They never had the chance to leave, and they didn't want that for me. So, when I applied to colleges, I only applied to one's outside Kentucky.

A jingle sounded, jarring me out of my post packing high. I hurried to my phone, picking it up off the bedside table. Josh's face stared back at me and I tried not to groan.

Things weren't rosy in our relationship. He'd been distant and agitated with me all week and I was afraid that if I spoke to him now, he would just ruin my good mood.

With a sigh, I answered. 

"Hey, Josh." I tried to force a happy tone, honest to God I did, but it came out annoyed. The line was silent, but I knew he was there. I had half a mind to hang up, but I knew that would just cause problems, so I shuffled my feet and waited him out.

When he spoke his voice was low.

"Freya, I will miss you." I rolled my eyes and stifled a groan.

"I'll miss you too," I reassured him for what felt like the millionth time this week

"Will you?" He asked, not sounding convinced.

I took in a calming breath and prayed for patience. He wasn't taking me leaving well at all because he didn't see it as my parents and I did. To him, Kentucky was his home and he couldn't imagine leaving. The way he acted, you would think my move was a permanent one, but for now, it was only to go to school. A fact I repeated endlessly.

We started dating almost two years ago when we meet at the community college. Josh was starting his second year there and had plans to transfer the following year. He wanted to attend the University of Kentucky like everyone in his family.

"Yes, Josh, I will miss you very much."

"Why move? Why leave me when you can stay here and we can be together?" I looked to the heavens for support.

"I got a full ride, Josh," I ground out, my anger slipping through. "I'm tired of explaining it to you. Look, I have a lot of packing to do. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

I was met with silence again, so I looked at my phone, making sure he didn't hang up on me. We were still connected. I brought the phone back to my ear and waited.

"I suppose I'll see you in the morning," he said, his voice flat.

He had driven home for the weekend to see me one last time. It was more like he had come home to beg me to stay, but I was leaving whether or not he liked it. I'd come too far to give up on my dream now.

"I love you," I exhaled.

"Me too," he responded, and the line went dead.

I flopped down on my bed laying across the clothes I had been folding. I groaned and slammed my fists on my bed. It was a small hissy, and I wasn't proud of it, but it was well deserved. I had a feeling that things with me and Josh would only get harder.

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