Chapter Twenty-Two

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The next day wasn't much better.

I fell into my pretend roll no matter how hard I tried to snap out of it. It just seemed to be easier than really dealing with my real feelings. It was a challenge, but by the end of the week I felt more like myself and I knew my friends could see the difference too.

    We were all heading out Friday after closing the shop. Everyone had their own plans and I was destined to head back to the apartment alone. Again.

For the first time all week, I didn't want to be alone. I had taken the time to dress up today and I was in the mood to have a good time. Maybe have fun for a change.

    "Saw!" I called as she was climbing into her car.

    She paused for a moment before turning to face me.

"What's up, babe?"

    "We should go out. Hit a club or something. Maybe go dancing." I sounded bubbly and it was annoying to my own ears.

    She looked surprised for a brief moment before her face fell.

"I'm sorry, Freya. I have plans already."

    "Oh!" I said, my brow furrowing. "That's okay. Maybe tomorrow or something."

    "Yea. Tomorrow." She looked uncertain, but I just smiled at her and started to climb into my car.

    "I'll go with you," Jensen called from behind me.

    I turned to face him not masking the shock on my face.


    "Of course, luv," he said, smiling.

    "You don't have to do that. I'm sure you have plans," I tried to give him an out, but he looked determined.

    "I don't have any."

    "Oh. Okay, then." I tried to look excited, but I had a feeling this was a bad idea. "We'll take your car if that's okay. I'm sure you know all the best clubs in town."

    He took me to The Hall, and I was a little disappointed. I had wanted to go somewhere new, but this place would do. They had tequila and a dance floor, so it would serve its purpose and as soon as we were inside I made a beeline to the bar ordering two shots of tequila. Both were for me. If I was going to have a good time tonight, I was going to need something to help me loosen up.

    "You look like a woman on a mission," Jensen chuckled beside me. He held his hand up for the bartender, then order a beer.

    "A mission to have fun," I said, slamming down the second empty shot glass. "I'm hitting the dance floor, you coming?"

    He just shook his head, and I shrugged, walking away from him. I threw my hands in the air and let my body move to the music; letting go. I closed my eyes and moved with the bodies around me for once not pretending. Just being me. I cleared my head, refusing to think about anything other than the music and it was nice.

    When I could no longer breathe, I went back to the bar for another shot and was surprised to find Jensen still standing there alone. I figured he would have found someone to entertain him by now.

    "You just going to stand there?" I asked, signaling the bartender. "Why don't you find a pretty little thing to dance with? We're supposed to be having fun."

    "You looked like you were having fun out there," He said, ignoring my questions.

    "I was," I smiled and for once it wasn't forced.

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