Chapter Twenty-Four

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Three days at my parents' house was the longest three days of my life. Don't get me wrong the first day was great and was exactly what I needed, but after that, it was just counting down the minutes that I would be going back home.

I missed Colorado, the mountains, and the noise of Denver.

    My parents had been over the moon when June, Saw, and I had shown up and without having to be told my mother helped the girls keep me distracted, which they failed at.

My mom kept us busy from sunup to sundown. If we weren't in the kitchen drinking coffee or baking something, we were in town shopping or having lunch.

    They tried really hard to keep my mind off of everything, but they could only do so much and when bedtime rolled around, I found myself thinking about him. I had to give my phone to Saw just to keep myself from calling to check on him.

    The night of day three they each took turns to explain away my feelings for him. They said things like 'maybe you fell for him because he was the first person to show interest in you' or maybe you latched onto him because you were still messed up over Josh'.

It was all bullshit.

    When that didn't work they tried to help me figure out what to do when I returned. June and my mom suggested that I ask Jensen to move out, but I couldn't imagine living there without him now. When I shot that idea down, Saw suggested that I continue dating so that maybe I will find someone who will help me forget all about how I felt for Jensen. I quickly reminded her how horribly that had failed and I wasn't willingly going through that again.

On the morning of our flight, I was rushing everyone around in my haste to return to Colorado. My parents were sad to see us go, and we promised to come back as soon as we could. I also reminded them that they would see me in a few weeks for Thanksgiving.

    I practically ran out of the airport when we touched down in Denver. I stood right outside the door, taking in as much mountain air as I could. I closed my eyes and smiled up at the sky.

"I'm home," I breathed.

    "Well, that's the first genuine smile I've seen on your face in a long time," Saw noted.

    A grin spread across my face and I looked down at her.

"I love this place."

The sun was setting and it was casting an array of red and orange colors across the mountains in the distance. It was a beautiful sight and I couldn't imagine calling anywhere else home. This is where I belonged.

    "I'm glad to see a bit of life back in you. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Maybe we can do lunch?" June said, walking around to face us.

    "Sounds great," I said and Saw nodded. June gave us one last smile, then headed to find her car. With one last look at the skyline, Saw and I headed towards my Tahoe.

    I had to fight to be patient as we made our way to our apartment building. I couldn't wait to get home and back in the comfort of my bed. At least, that's what I kept telling myself.

The drive was short, and we were there in no time. I tried not to dwell on the fact that the GTO wasn't parked in its usual spot when I pulled into the parking lot.

    "He's probably still at work," Saw assured me. I knew she was right. We also hadn't told anyone when our flight would get in, so there was no way he could have known when we would be back anyway.

    "I'll see you tomorrow," Saw said as we trudged up the stairs. "I think I'm going to call it an early night."

    "Me too," I agreed.

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