Chapter Thirteen

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When I woke the next morning I had the worst headache. Probably from the tossing and turning I had done half the night. My brain refused to shut off, so I spent the entire night stressing over my blind date and what was going on with Jensen.

I was exhausted and in no mood for anything, but Saw still insisted that we make a trip to the mall after class. I tried to object, but June backed her up insisting that it would be good for me and help me get more in the mood to have a fun night out.

    Since I was outvoted they drug me from store to store making me try on outfit after outfit. It was wearing me out and I wasn't sure I was going to be in any mood to go out tonight. I needed to pop a few pain relievers to put a dent in this headache that was making my skull pound.

    After two hours of torcher, I insisted that the current store we were in be our last. They tried to argue, but after I explained my current condition and the fact that I desperately needed something to help with this headache, they agreed. It seemed to make them more determined to find me something.

To everyone's surprise, I was the one who spotted the little black dress poking out of the back of a random rack.

    It was love at first sight.

It was a simple, knee-length, vintage dress that dipped low in the back. I wouldn't be able to wear a bra, but luckily the designer was genius enough to add a little extra support in the front for just that reason.

When I tried it on the girls couldn't contain their excitement and I had to admit it looked fantastic on me.

    June insisted she had the perfect red pumps that would look killer with it and with that we were out of the mall. We dropped June off at her apartment and picked up the shoes. She had to work tonight, so she wouldn't be able to help me get ready. Saw and I both had to work as well, so I would have to get ready at the shop, a fact that I wasn't happy about.

    "A little more notice would have been nicer, ya know," I huffed, as we pulled into the parking lot of Colorado Ink. "I would have liked to get ready in the comfort of my home."

    "Oh, come on," she grinned, climbing out of the car. "This gives the guys the chance to make your date uncomfortable and hit on you before you go."

    I halted mid-step gaping at Saw. "Oh my God! Please don't let them embarrass me!"

    "I'll warn them. It will be fine," She chuckled, pulling me towards the shop.

    "This is a terrible idea," I sighed.

    Work seemed to speed by in a blink to my great disappointment. I had been looking forward to a long workday to distract me from the looming event of the night. Every time I thought about it, panic would well up and I wanted nothing more than to curl into a ball. This was going to be a disaster. I'd never been with anyone other than Josh.

I wasn't sure I could do this.

    "Come out, Frey!" Saw called through the closed bathroom door.

    I had been ready for over ten minutes, but couldn't find the nerve to leave the bathroom. My blind date would be here soon and I was having a freaking meltdown. Saw yelling through the door at me wasn't helping. If anything it was making me feel worse by the second.

    A light knock sounded, followed by a smooth English voice.

"Come now, luv. We're all waiting."

    I took a deep breath and shook my head, giving myself a mental pep talk. He was right. They were all waiting and I was making a fool of myself by hiding in the bathroom. It was just one date and if it didn't work out; I knew I could call any one of them and they would swoop in and save the night.

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