Ch.1 Hogwarts Express

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"Zachery" my mother called after my oldest brother. "You're in charge of Cassidy until you're on school grounds, okay?".
"Yeah whatever mom." He fussed like the teenager he is. Zach was a sixth year and Finnegan, the middle child was a second year.

This was my first time to Hogwarts. My whole family has always been in Slytherin so there wasn't much doubt as to where I was gonna end up.

Sometimes I think I was adopted. Cause I'm so different compared to everyone in my family. 

"I'm going to miss you so much honey!" My mother squealed and hugged me, "Your first year is going to be great! I know it.. Our little Slytherin girl. Try not to get into too much trouble." As if I were going to be the one causing trouble. Yeah right.

I hugged daddy and  mom both tightly before it was called the all Hogwarts students must board the train. I took Zachs hand as our parents said their last good byes. As soon as we got on the train Zach turned to Finn.

"I don't want her hanging with me," He said to Finn as he handed him some money, "You say nothing to mom and dad about this, okay?" Finn noded and took the money from Zachs hand and slipped it into the pocket of his jeans which he would soon be changing out of and into the Hogwarts uniform. Finn the took my hand and lead me throught the train untill we got to cabin full of boys his age.

"Finn! Havn't seen ya all summer how ya doing man?" A boy with obiously dyed hair said as soon as we steped in. "Who's this?" He asked my brother, giving a nod my direction. "Yeah sorry 'bout that, my parents stuck me with my little sister afriad she can't take care of herself." Finn said.

I don't get why my brothers are being so mean, they never act like this at home.

"And? Does she have a name?" A boy with light brown hair asked. "Cassidy." My bother said and pushed me toward a blacked haired boy with blonde streaks throught it. "Does it talk?" The boy laughed. "You know my  daddy says it's not ni-" I shyly began.

"Well, well, well. What a good little daddy's girl we have here huh, boys?" And they all laughed.

//Authors note: This is my first book and yea. I do not take credit for The Harry Potter Universe or the idea of Hogwarts. This is simly based on Harry Potter nothing more okay? There also might be few mistakes but it's a work in progress okay? Okay.

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