The Wedding

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Well, It's the big day. I'm getting married to Dan Howell. Daniel James Howell. I'm gonna be (Y/N) (M/N) Howell.

Who knew the future could hold so many suprises? Noah was in the kitchen, sneaking food and cake. Dallas, Phil and Dan are in a room getting ready with the guys.

"(Y/N)?! Why aren't you getting ready?!" Zoe asked.

I sighed and looked down.

"W-What if he says no? What if I ruin something? What if I accidentally trip on my dre--" I was cut off by CJ. She was ACTUALLY wearing dress. A blue one with glitter and a big bow on the back. I was thinking she'd wear jeans or something.

"You're having an exstensial crisis." She smirked. I smiled. I WAS having an exstensial crisis. "Now, no what if's! Get your tushie ready and marry Dan Howell!" Susan smiled. I grinned and ran to the dressing room. I took off my PJ's and grabbed the white dress, veil, heels and tights and jewerly shit.

I put on the white leggings first. I wiggled my toes and giggled, knowing today was gonna be a good day. I put on the dress and kind of had to ask Zoe to zip it up. I put on the white heels and then, put on the pearl necklace, pearl earrings and my headband last. Fuck the veil. They're too mainstream, anyways.

I walked out. "H-Hey.." I stuttered. I was ready for-- "Awww! You're so beautiful!" Susan squealed. I smiled and blushed. I looked pretty cute. The outfit. Jewerly and my hair was in a cute messy bun.

"Thanks. I don't look THAT good." I pointed out. "Girl, you slay!" Tyler said, grabbing (Y/N)'s hands.

Noah was pushed in by Chef McKinnon. "Keep this pest out my kitchen and good luck, Mrs. Soon-To-Be-Howell." He said, smiling. I nodded and waved goodbye.

"Ugh." Christian said and patted their suit down. "What a bitch. I'll shove a spachula up his ass." They grumbled. Everyone, especially me, laughed loudly.


"Dan, get the fuck up." Jim said. "Mmm." I groaned. "What's wrong?" Joe said. I flipped over.

"What if she says no? What if I do something wrong? What if I fall over my fee-" I was cut off by Phil. "Daniel James Howell. (Y/N) loves you just as much as I love Dallas." He pointed out. "She's gonna say yes." Joe reassured.

I sighed and smiled.

'I love you!'

Whenever I hear her say those three words, it makes my heart flutter. "Yeah, You're right." I said. "Now, go in there and get in that tuxedo!" Jim yelled. We then, heard banging at our wall.

"Hey! Shut the fuck up! Mrs. Soon-To-Be-Howell trying to get ready here!" I heard, obviously Christian, yell.

"Well! Mr. Howell and The Mr. Lesters are trying to get ready, too!" Joe yelled, banging back. "Oh, shut the fuck up!"

Me, Phil and Dallas went in separate rooms to dress.

After a while, we three, came out. We looked at each other. "Whew. We lookin' britishly fresh." Dallas said, flipping his collar up, but soon, putting it back down.

"Dallas!" All the guys laughed. "Ser-riously? 'Britishly fresh'?!" Phil said, laughing. "Yup!" Dallas smiled. "God, I love you." Phil smiled.

3rd Person:

Dan and Phil waited for soon to Mrs. Soon-To-Be-Howell and Mr. Soon-To-Be-Lester on the podium. They waited. And waited. And wai-- Fuck. It takes a woman and a man this long to get ready?

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