Chapter One: The Reaping

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The crowds cheer my name as President Snow places the victor's crown on my head. I feel elated. I've achieved my dream. I've won the Hunger Games. President Snow opens his mouth to speak and-

"Marvel! Sparkle! Time to get up for training!" My mother yells as she opens our curtains, letting daylight come flooding in.

"Ughh," I groan, burying my head under the duvet. I am not a morning person. Couldn't she let me sleep for just 5 more minutes? I got back home so late after training last night.

My sister, Sparkle, whacks me with my pillow.

"Come on, Marvel!" she says," You know what she's like if we're late!"

Good point. I roll out of bed, tumbling to the floor with a crash.

"Ow," I moan. I lay there for a few seconds, before pulling the duvet off my head-just in time to see my sister roll her eyes.

"You're such a baby," she says.

"Baby?" I retort, picking myself up," Says the girl who's two years younger than me!"

"Goes to show just how immature you can be," she says, before walking out the door. Of course, she's already dressed in her training uniform. 

I groan again, and start pulling on my own clothes. Minutes later, I'm dressed, and I'm running down the stairs, two at a time.

When I reach the kitchen, my mother looks me up and down. I wait for her disapproval.

"Took you long enough," she says with a sniff, and walks out the door.

Sparkle gives me a sympathetic look, as we children follow. Being District One, a parent's approval is everything. Especially when they happen to be the victor of the 49th Hunger Games.

As for Sparkle and I, we love each other really, though I've never really completely understood her. She never seemed to love the Games and fighting like I do, even though our dad was a hunter and our mother a past victor. But last year, she became a sister to be proud of. Like a switch had suddenly been turned on. She did everything mother asked for and started doing really well at training. Like I said, weird. But at least she doesn't embarrass me anymore with her strange behaviour. 

Because we're opposite genders, we're not competing to be a tribute in the Hunger Games- I once knew twin boys who literally spent 10 minutes on a Reaping Day repeatedly volunteering for each other.

In the end, the Peacekeepers, knocked one of them out, so the other brother could enter the Hunger Games. He's dead now-died in the 64th Hunger Games to a certain someone called Finnick Odair.

We reach the training grounds for early-morning training. My friend, Moonshine, runs over to me.

"Hey!" he grins, and we embrace.

We walk straight over to the spear section. My weapon. Every District One child has a favourite. Sparkle's a natural with the bow and arrows, but usually she has to fight Glimmer, who believes she's amazing, for the right to practice.

She's over there now, and I wince as Glimmer knees her in the stomach. One of the rules of District One? We don't fight our sibling's battles for them. Even if they are at a severe disadvantage.

Pretending not to notice that Glimmer is now throttling my little sister, I grab a spear, march twenty meters away from the target, and throw it.

It twirls gracefully through the air, and lands with a thud, just short of the centre. Damn. I don't know why but I'm better further away.

Moonshine's turn. He stands where I am, and hits the target dead on. He whoops and cocks his head at me, as if to say,' Let the master do it.'

Training goes on like this for another hour, then we're back home for breakfast. After we've eaten, it's time to get dressed for the Reaping.

District One are known for their clothes, so it's our chance to prove how good we are at the Reaping.

I get dressed into blue satin, comb my hair, and look in the mirror. Not bad, for someone who doesn't pay much attention to clothes.

Sparkle bounds down the stairs, where my mother and I are waiting. Even if I'm not an expert at this sort of thing, I can tell my mother's isn't going to be happy with her choice of outfit. She's completely dressed in black, and she's not wearing a dress.

In District One, the whole idea is that you look beautiful but lethal. My sister has done the second part, but hasn't even attempted to look nice.

My mother shakes her head, and marches Sparkle back up the stairs. I can hear Sparkle's yelps as my mother drags a comb through her hair. My mother's never been very gentle. 

Finally, they come back down. My mother's looking very pleased as she drags a disappointed and defeated Sparkle after her. My sister is now dressed in a revealing white dress, and is wearing make up, both of which makes her look far older than she is. 

My mother turns to me, "Now remember Marvel. I want you to win the Games. You missed your chance last year but you've got this year or next year to redeem yourself." 

"Yes mother," I smile. Winning the Games is a huge honour and it's the highest form of achievement. I just hope no one volunteers before I do. 

We go out into the square. I join the 17 year olds; Sparkle, the fifteen year olds. Everyone in District One applies for tesserae. We don't need it-it's just so there's more chance of our name getting picked.

Gwen Maple, from the Capital struts up on the stage. She dressed in animal furs, with a rainbow dress and make-up to match.

"Welcome, welcome!" she says gleefully, like she always does, happy to get the best District. Then the Mayor says his speech, and recounts our victors-we have a very long list. I switch off-I've heard it all before, and I just want to get to the best part.

"Now," says Gwen," It's time to select our tributes. First, the ladies."

She draws a piece of paper from the glass ball, clears her throat, and reads," Sapphire Burns."

There's a loud cheer from the sixteen year olds as Sapphire makes her away confidently to the stage-

"I volunteer!" A girl screams. The crowd parts to reveal Glimmer. Glimmer and Sapphire glare at each other. It's well known that they're not friends.

Gwen coughs," A volunteer! How lovely! Please come up, dear!"

Glimmer saunters up onto the stage, with her heavily embedded-ruby dress. She smirks at Sapphire.

"What's your name, dear?" asks Gwen.

Glimmer turns to the camera and does her best winning smile," Call me Glimmer Jewel."

"Congratulations Glimmer!" says Gwen. Then she turns to the boys and says," Now for the gentlemen."

She daintily selects a piece of paper from our glass ball, and says," Alabaster Gem."

Before the kid can make his way to the stage, I yell at the top of my voice," I VOLUNTEER!"

Gwen beams, "Wonderful! Two volunteers! Come and join us on the stage, dear." Amidst the whoops and cheers of my fellow seventeen year olds, I make my way to the stage. I feel a sense of excitement. I was born for this. I was born to win the Hunger Games. 

As a mount the stage, Gwen asks my name. I beam and say loudly, "Marvel Blade." There's some more cheering as they recognise the surname of a former victor, (my mother wanted to keep her surname when she married). I feel exalted. I've achieved what I've always wanted to achieve. I'm going into the Hunger Games.  

I look for my sister and my mother in the crowd. My mother is beaming with pride, but Sparkle seems oddly quiet.

I frown. She should be happy-I don't think Glimmer will last very long with her inept shooting skills.

Glimmer and I shake hands, and then make our way into the Justice Building.

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