Relax! We're on Holiday!

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     "C'mon (Y/N/N)! Let's go! Aren't you excited?! This is going to be incredible!" You rolled your eyes playfully, staring at your energetic boyfriend as he pulled you deeper into the woods. You sighed, exhausted and slightly irritated.

"Cedric! Stop! You're going to pull my arm out of it's socket!" He paused, loosening his grip on your wrist. You nodded, gratefully as you rubbed your shoulder, wincing.

"I'm sorry, sweet girl... I just got a little too over excited, I guess. I mean, it's the first day of Holiday and our first official date, seeing as I don't count sitting on the floor of the astronomy tower at 2:30 in the morning, a date. I mean, can you blame me," he asked, earnestly. You shook your head and smirked, causing him to blush tomato red. You interlocked your fingers, looking into his pale blue eyes. He was right. Your fourth year at Hogwarts had just ended, with Summer Holiday just beginning and you still hadn't been out on a proper date.

You had been dating Cedric for a little over three weeks but there were already a million and one complications. Your relationship had to be kept an complete secret, no exceptions. Your Father was extremely abusive and he lived by his own set rules of superiority. If he ever found out that you were dating a boy... not to mention a Hufflepuff... the consequences would be dire, for both yourself and Cedric. Your Mother had allowed you to spend a few weeks of Holiday with your boyfriend before you joined her in France, to visit your Aunt Ella and as far as your Father knew, you would be in France for the entirety of the Summer months.

You were shaken out of your daze when Cedric began to pull quite a faster, shaking you back to reality. You sighed, "I'm coming, I'm coming. But I think that you ought to know it would be much easier for me to walk if you weren't so determined of breaking my arm," you pointed out as your boyfriend sent you a playful scowl.

"Don't worry, (Y/N/N), we won't be walking any further," he reassured you. You looked around, bewildered and confused as you surveyed your surroundings. He couldn't be serious. You stared back at him, your brows knitted together in concern, slightly disappointed.

"You're joking, right? Ced, we're in the middle of nowhere and I am almost certain that you have gotten us lost in these damn woods! This is what you call a date?!" You exclaimed, he looked at you, beginning to laugh. You rolled your (E/C) eyes and slapped his arm in irritation.

"No! Of course not! What I meant was that we don't need to walk any more, we're just going to use a Port Key from here. You didn't honestly think this is what I had planned, did you? What kind of date would that have been? Me, taking the love of my life on our very first date, and setting it up in the middle of a forest! I didn't know you had such an odd taste in romance," he teased, making you scoff. You sighed, shaking your head, looking around once more.

"Alright, I'll give you that. The Port Key makes sense, but, I have a follow up question. Where is it?" You questioned, his grin growing wider. You felt your stomach tumble as you observed the mischievous gleam in his eyes. This can't possibly be good...

"Up there," he replied, rather nonchalantly, pointing towards a massive oak tree on the right side of the path. You followed his direction, your eyes landing on the oversized plant, your mouth falling open in complete shock. Oh. My. God. He was joking, right? Tell me I'm wrong! Please let me be wrong... you pleaded, internally. You looked over at him with an eyebrow raised and your arms folded over your chest, a deep frown making itself present.

"Alright... So... Let me get this straight... You wanted to take me out on our first date... You told me to wear something nice..." you commented, gesturing to the emerald green dress that hung just a few inches above your knees. "...And now... You want me to climb a fucking tree?!" He chuckled to himself, rubbing the back of his neck, nervously, giving you a weak grin.

"Yeah... I suppose I could've thought that one through a little bit better," he replied sheepishly, making you roll your eyes, scowling.

"Really?! You think so?! Well, no shit, Sherlock!" You snapped, flicking him on the forehead. He laughed lightly, catching your wrist and gently pressing his lips to your fingertips, as you, once again, rolled your eyes in annoyance.

"Oh come on, baby! It'll be worth it! I promise! You've just got to trust me on this one! Look, I'll climb up first and then I can help you if you need it, that way you don't ruin your dress... But... You might want to ditch the heels..." he suggested. You scowled as you kicked of your white heels, tossing them to the side, mentally reminding yourself to retrieve them on the way home. He grinned, before he turned and began scaling the massive truck as you watched from below, already dreading the thought of it. When he reached a solid branch, he held out his hand for you, which was just low enough for you to grab. He grunted slightly, pulling you up next to him. You glanced downwards, suddenly dizzy. This was not a good idea. At all.

"You better hope I don't fall," you commented, dryly, as he helped steady you on the branch, wrapping a strong arm around your waist.

"Don't worry! We'll be fine! We just have to climb up one more branch and then we're good to go! Piece of cake! Besides, this can't be any more frightening than Quidditch. I mean, you spend hours hundreds of feet of the ground, sitting on a stick, moving at an ungodly speed! If you can do that, (Y/N/N), you can climb a tree," he reasoned, making you sigh.

I don't know... I don't want to fall and... Well... Die! As you have just pointed out, I play Quidditch and not only do I play, but I am the team captain! And Slytherin is going to win that damn Quidditch Cup next year, even if it's the last thing I do! I still can't believe Gryffindor won, just because Dumbledore decided to add a few extra points to their score because Harry Potter saved the school from mass destruction! Big fucking deal! That had nothing to do with his Quidditch skills! God! Stupid Wood! Stupid Gryffindors! We're going to kick their asses next time around, just you wait," you seethed, your eyes turning scarlet, your muscles burning with the familiar ache of competition and the constant urge to best Oliver Wood.

Cedric laughed as he helped you up onto the next brach, shaking his head, clearly amused by your ambitious nature. "(Y/N)! Relax! We're on Holiday! We're supposed to be having fun! Just let loose a bit. Believe it or not, stuff happens when your off the Quidditch Pitch too and anyway, this is our first date! I didn't exactly come to here you talk about another guy, even if you do hate him with a burning passion," Cedric teased as you rolled your eyes. "Come on, sweet girl! Let's just enjoy our day! Now, take my hand and hold on tight!"

You cast him an unsure and somewhat skeptical glance before carefully intertwining your fingers with his. He smiled, wrapping a bright read apple and before you could process what was happening the world around you began to disappear into a swirling blur. You clamped your (E/C) eyes shut, holding onto Cedric as if your life depended on it. Here we go again...

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