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     Everyone had gone to bed shaking with fear, whispering to one another nervously, obviously shaken from the night's events. You sighed heavily, collapsing onto one the common room's black leather couches, waiting for the last of your Slytherin housemates to head upstairs to bed. You tapped your foot impatiently, sending an icy glare in the direction of a few gossiping third years. Noticing your stare, they ducked their heads in shame and hurried up the stone steps.

Tonight was the terms first evening of Prefect Patrol and you were eager to get started. A part of you hoped that you would manage to run into you boyfriend, although, you couldn't say things were looking good for him in the least. Not after tonight's incident.

You gave Adrian a polite nod as he and Terence parted ways and headed towards his own room, leaving the common room deserted. Terence blew out an exasperated sigh as he collapsed onto the couch next to you, his limbs sprawling every which way. You swatted his hand away from your face, shoving him over roughly, making him grin. "Well, it's just you and me now, (Y/N/N), that was the last of 'em."

"Great! We can finally get this show on the road. Get up, let's go," you urged, jumping to your feet. Terence rolled his eyes, as he stretched his long legs out, laying back, yawning.

"I'm sure the other six'll get the job done. I mean, how hard can it be. They'll be just fine without the two of us. Can't we just get some sleep and let them do the work for us," Terence asked, sleepily, doing his best to stifle another yawn. You scowled, crossing your arms.

"No. That's not how this works dumbass. We're prefects now. We have responsibilities, whether we care for them of not. Now get your ass off fucking couch," you demanded. He groaned in protest but pulled himself up. He slung his arm over you shoulders, lazily, leaning on you for support, making you shake your head in annoyance.

"Since when do you care so much about being a Prefect? You been hanging out with Percy Weasley?" Terence taunted. You cringed in disgust, elbowing him in the ribs, causing him to smirk at his own joke. You weren't why you hung out with such a moron.

"Since the Chamber of Secrets has been opened. I don't know that the fuck that is but all the teachers seemed awfully worried. Even Snape. Something's not right. Something bad is happening and I don't want anything to happen to Matt. I'll be damned before that happens," you shot back. Terence leaned into you, making you sink underneath the weight of his arm, trying to keep your balance, as glanced down at you, smiling, showing off his perfectly white teeth.

"Aw! Would you look at that! The infamous (Y/N) Middlebrook, the vicious Slytherin Queen, really does have a heart! She does care," Terence teased, making you scowl. You shoved him slightly, causing you to trip, as his arm was still wrapped around your shoulders. Rolling your eyes at his antics, you pushed open the portrait door, stumbling out into the dark dungeons.

"And what exactly are you implying, Higgs?! Are you trying to tell me you think that I'm a heartless bitch and that I don't give a fuck about anything? Don't be ridiculous," you murmured, as Terence snickered, hugging you.

"I don't think that," he replied, as you began walking through the chilled halls of the dungeons. "I'm just telling you, what the majority of people seem to think. And for the record, I know that you aren't heartless and uncaring, but that tends to be the impression that you give to people... which... I just... why?" You sighed, shaking your head, sadly.

"Yes, I am well aware, but I'm afraid I cannot give you a reason. And right now, no offence, but I'm really not int the mood to have a deep heart to heart. Especially not with you."

"Wow! Damn (Y/N/N)! I mean... honestly... ouch...! And here I thought we were besties! I thought we really had something! I thought we were tight," Terence pouted, faking a look of heartbreak. You laughed lightly, as you began to make your way up one of the school's many marble staircases, Terence's arm finally slipping off your shoulders. He laced your fingers together, playfully swinging your hands back and forth in a friendly mannerism.

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