Can You Catch A Snitch, Malfoy?

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You cracked your knuckles trying to focus on the task at hand, but it was of little use, you were buzzing with anticipation. You sat perched atop your broom, your emerald green robes billowing in the wind. The day had finally come, Slytherin Quidditch Tryouts. This was arguably one of the most grueling days of the season in terms of strategy. You, as Team Captain, had to choose the few students who would get a chance to play the intense game, and send away those who weren't good enough to make it. The stress of it all was excruciatingly nerve-wracking.

    To your left, Adrain Pucey sat balanced atop his own broom, bouncing up and down with excitement. You looked down, surveying your fellow Housemates, all of whom were just dying to make Slytherin's elite team of Quidditch Stars. You bit down on your lip, anxiously. You hated the fact that you had to be the one to tell such young kids that they didn't make the cut. You hated having to tell them that they weren't good enough to play. Next to you, Adrian continued to shift with ecstatic movements, anticipation coursing through his veins. You rolled your eyes.

    "Can you hold still for a damn second, so I can fucking concentrate?!" You snapped, as his broom immediately fell idle. To your left, Terence Higgs snickered, causing Adrian to send his friend a harsh scowl. You shook your head in annoyance. It was hard to believe that these dumbasses were your two best players, not to mention your best friends. Sighing, you nodded, and turned your attention back to all of the young Slytherins beneath you, waiting for further instruction. You had drifted back into deep thought when Adrian nudged your elbow. You turned to him, evidently irritated. "What now, Pucey?!"

    We've been up here for 20 minutes, are we going to start or were you just planning on sitting here and staring at them all day," he asked. You rolled your eyes again but slowly lowered your broom, as the boys echoed your actions. All eyes, in perfect unison, snapped to meet your steely gaze in an instant. You smirked, the sheer amount of power you held over the Slytherin House was unbelievable but they didn't call you the Queen of Slytherin for nothing.

    "Alright, listen up! I am in need of a new Keeper, a Chaser, and two Beaters. If you are interested in any of the before mentioned positions, step forward. If not, get off my field," you barked, as kids scrambled to do as they were told. This wasn't the time to play nice. Quidditch was taken very seriously within the Wizarding World and at Hogwarts, specifically. Your team had to be the best of the best. No exceptions. You didn't break records with mediocre players.

    Once the chaos settled and the movement died down, only 15 of the original 50 remained. You sighed, you weren't but 5 minutes into practice and you had already demolished 35 innocent hopes and dreams. Terence turned towards you and shook his head.

    "It's fine, (Y/N). Not everyone can make the team, and most don't. They know that and they knew it coming into this. But you know better than anyone else, we need the absolute best. We're not going to crush Wood with an okay team. They've got to be better than the best," Terence pointed out, gruffly. You nodded. He was right. Not everyone could make the team, someone had do be rejected. That's just the way it worked and you couldn't let yourself get hung up on what was simply, just an unfortunate part of life.

    "Okay, here's the deal... I don't have time to hold your hand through this process and I'm only going to say this once, so pay attention! If you think you've got what it takes to be a Chaser, follow Adrian to the right side of the field. Now," you demanded, watching 5 of the boys break away from the group. Adrian looked back at you and smirked, as he began shouting commands, a small grin tugging at the corners of your lips. "Alright, Beaters... on the left. Follow Terence. And Keepers? Stay put," you instructed as you watched the crowd split, until you had three remaining students, staring back at you. You sighed, surveying the activity around you. Not a single girl. Shaking your head, you turned back to your potential Keepers.

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