Slytherins Stick Together

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                                                                                  Terence's P.O.V

 I sighed, heavily, drumming my fingers against the deep mahogany of the Common Room table, staring across the room at the vacant portrait hole. I had finished my Prefect Rounds over two and a half hours ago, yet, (Y/N) still hadn't returned to the dungeons. Was it possible that she'd finished her rounds before I had? Doubtful. I hadn't really bothered to do a full sweep of my designated area. Honestly, what was the point? No one in their right mind was going to be wandering around the dungeons at this time. Especially, given the tonight's earlier incidents.

    I yawned, tiredly. What the fuck was taking her so long? Shaking my head, I got up from the table and walked towards the stone hearth, where the emerald fire was beginning to die out. Yawning again, I collapsed onto one of the black leather couches, stretching out my legs and kicking them up onto the coffee table. I was exhausted and I had half the mind to go up to bed, however, I couldn't bring myself to make my way up to the dormitories. Not without knowing where (Y/N) had gone off to. It was so unlike her to disappear, without telling anyone where she was going. Especially, at this time of night and given the circumstances.

    Sighing, I sent one last weary glance at the Portrait Hole, before pulling myself to my feet and turning towards the stairs. I couldn't wait any longer. I took the steps two at a time, exhausted and filled with dread. Turning down a dark hall, I pushed open the door to the 5th Year Boy's dormitories, stumbling slightly, as I crossed the room. Walking past my own bed, I stared down at my friend's sleeping figure. Shaking my head wearily, I jostled my his shoulder.

    "Adrian. Get up. I need your help," I whispered, gruffly, shaking him again. He groaned slightly, pushing me away. I rolled my eyes impatiently as I shoved him harder.

    "Go away," he murmured, sleepily, rolling onto his side and away from me.

    "I'm serious. Get the fuck out of bed. Something's wrong. I can't find (Y/N)," I urged. Adrian mumbled incoherently, as he continued to ignore me. I groaned internally, frustrated. This was a waste of my time. I shook my head and grunted a half hearted apology, before shoving him off the other side of the bed. His body hit the stone floor with a thud, as he groaned in pain. I walked over to him, as he rubbed his head, glaring daggers into me.

    "What the fuck are you doing?! I'm trying to sleep," he shouted, angrily. I rolled my eyes darkly, as I helped haul him up off the floor.

    "Would you shut the fuck up? What are you trying to do, wake the whole castle," I grumbled, sending a backwards glance towards the rest of our roommates. A few of them rolled over in their sleep or stirred ever so slightly, but the room remained comatose, lost in a sleepy haze. Adrian shook his head, rubbing his eyes sleepily as I motioned for him to follow me out into the dormitory corridors. He sighed in frustration but made his way out into the hallway behind me. He squinted in the candlelight, crossing his arms over his chest.

    "What do you want," he asked, gruffly, giving me a look of utter disdain. I rolled my eyes again, sending him a deep scowl.

    "I told you, something's wrong. I can't find (Y/N)," I repeated, in annoyance. He stared back at me blankly.

    "Okay...? And...? I'm not really seeing the issue here. I mean, for God's sake Terence, it's almost three in the morning! She's probably asleep," Adrian reasoned. I shook my head.

    "No. I finished my sweep of the dungeons much faster than it would have taken her to finish her area of the castle. Especially seeing as she actually cares about this Prefect shit. I would have known if she came back, but I've been waiting up for her for hours and there's been no sign of her," I countered. A look of worry crossed Adrain's face as he bit his lip in anxious thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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