The Perfect First Date

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You fell onto the ground, the impact sending shock waves coursing through your body. The dizzying sensation inside your head was too much to bare as a dull ache pounded deep within the confines of your mind. You felt a hand on your waist, though the touch seemed oddly numb against your side. Your vision was blurred and you could hear the sound of muffled voices somewhere in the background. You shook your head, trying to regain your mind's clarity. Your arms felt somewhat weak, your muscles feeling as if they were made of jelly, as you struggled to sit up. You rubbed your temples, steadying yourself, the hand moving to the small of your back. You blinked rapidly, several times, before the world came crashing back into focus. You inhaled sharply, surveying your surroundings. What the fuck just happened? And where the Hell am I?

    You rubbed your eyes, glancing upwards, only to find Cedric peering down at you, worry lines etched into his face. You stared back at him, confused. He frowned, looking more panicked by the minute. He took your face in his hands, his eyes wildly searching your features as if he was looking for something. You scowled, shifted uncomfortably. "(Y/N)? Baby? Can you hear me? Are you alright? Do you know who I am?! It's me! Cedric!" he insisted, causing you to stare  at him in shock, looking at him as if he had lost his mind, his frown deepening. You sighed, rolling your (E/C) eyes and planting a soft kiss against his cheek.

    "Don't be stupid, Ced! Of course I know who you are! Why wouldn't I? Honestly... You're ridiculous! I hope you know that... Acting as if I could forget who you were... You! Of all people! I'd have to have lost all of my brains for that to happen," you snapped, making him smirk as he intertwined your fingers together. You smiled, shaking your head.

    "I am pretty unforgettable, aren't I? At least, that's what I've heard... From several credible sources if I might add..." he laughed as you rolled your eyes, pushing him away in mock annoyance. He grinned, cheekily, as he helped your to your feet. Taking a deep breath in, the sharp smell of salt water hit you hard and the sound of soft waves crashing against the shore, rang out into the evening air. You looked down, soft grains of white sand, shifting beneath your toes , making you smiled. You were on a beach.

    With his hand still trained steadily on your back, Cedric began to lead you down the shore, walking alongside the restless, turquoise sea. You leaned into him, his arm wrapping itself around your waist. "Where are we doing here, Ced? Where are we going," you questioned, curiously as he shook his head, smiling to himself.

    "You'll see, soon enough, my love. It's meant to be a surprise and it wouldn't be a very good one if I were to tell you, now would it? But, I think you'll like it, at least I hope you will. I hope that it makes up for all of that climbing I made you do," he replied, happily. You smirked, shaking your head in a look of pretend disbelief, making him grin.

    "I don't know... I have some pretty high standards... And climbing in a dress isn't exactly my forte... Not to mention that I had to leave my shoes behind..." you laughed. Cedric rolled his eyes, still grinning. He bumped your shoulder playfully, looking down at you.

    "Yeah, that's fair... But then again... Neither is punctuality, is it? I suggest that you learn how to better manage your time, Ms. Middlebrook," Cedric teased, imitating Snape's low drawl. You scowled, thinking back to last year's detention. But still, you couldn't deny that he was telling the truth, you were dreadfully awful showing up on time. You nudged him in the ribs, as he gave you a sly smile and continued walking. The breeze began to pick up, causing the ocean spray to coat your bare arms in droplets of salty water, making you shiver. Perhaps today was not the best day to have worn a sleeveless dress, or a dress at all. Cedric stopped, dropping his hand from your back to shrug off the jacket he was wearing. He draped it over your shoulders, covering your bare arms as he wrapped you in a tight embrace.

    You gave him a grateful smile, snuggling deeper into the crook of his arm in an effort to keep warm. He grinned, kissing the top of your head which sent an instant rush of warmth, coursing through you. You continued walking for a short distance before Cedric stepped in front of you, blocking your path. You gave him a questioning look, making him laugh. He smiled, setting his palm over your eyes, startling you. "What are you doing?"

    "It's a surprise! Keep your eyes closed, (Y/N/N), I don't want to give it away. Just take my hand and I'll guide you," he replied, excitedly. You sighed nervously but closed your eyes. He carefully removed his hand, intertwining your fingers, guiding you in the right direction. You walked a few feet before he stopped, again. You could sense the smile that was coating his features and you couldn't help but grin, yourself. "Alright! Open your eyes!"

    You opened your (E/C) eyes and gasped in shock, smiling widely. A black and white blanket carpeted the sand, decorated with a variety of throw pillows, stashed against the rocks. A picnic basket was set to the side, with another throw, draped over its opening. Behind you, the sun began to sink beneath the horizon, causing the pearl white candles to cast an iridescent, romantic glow over the scene. You laughed lightly, turning to Cedric.

    "You did all of this for me?" You asked, your mouth falling open in disbelief. He wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin against the crown of your head.

    "Of course, I did! This is our first date! I wanted it to be special! I wanted it to be perfect! For you! It had to be perfect, for you!" He grinned as a warm blush spread to the apples of your cheeks, making your smirk. He shook his head, amused, as he kissed a spot behind your ear.

    "Thank you! Honestly, I can't even begin to tell you how much this means to me, how much it means that you planned all of this for me. When did you do this? How did you find the time to do this?" You asked in disbelief. He beamed, showing off his signature, dazzling smile. Taking your hand he led you towards the blanked. Just as you were about to sit, he wrapped one of his arms underneath your knees whilst the other rested comfortably under you shoulder blades, sweeping you off your feet, and into his arms. You shrieked in complete surprise.

    He grinned, spinning you around, the salty air catching in your (H/C) hair. You laughed as he set you down, gently. He collapsed down beside you, propping himself up on an elbow. Kissing you passionately, he let out a soft moan, causing you to smirk.

    "Ced, please! You must tell me! How did you put all of this together without me knowing?" You insisted  as he yawned, his eyes glimmering mischievously.

    "Oh, it wasn't any trouble," Cedric mumbled through another yawn as he shifted to rest his head on your lap. Absentmindedly, your hands raked themselves through his taffy coloured curls as you looked into his deep blue eyes, lovingly. His hand reached up to caress your cheek, gently as he continued. "I got up around four this morning, while you were still asleep. I had to run down to some of the muggle shoppes to get a few things. Then I went to find a suitable port key, which I had to place safely out of reach of passersby—hence the tree. After that, I was transported here, to the beach, and I was back in time for breakfast," he explained. You smiled, bending to kiss his forehead as butterflies flittered through your stomach, your heart full of love.

    "Aww, Ced! Thank you! You really outdid yourself. And to be honest, this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me! I couldn't have asked for a better first date! You're incredible," you exclaimed, making him beam with pride. He pulled himself up into a sitting position, holding your chin in between his thumb and index finger. He stared into your beautiful (E/C) eyes as he pressed his lips to yours, kissing you softly.

    "Anything for my girl. And I mean anything," he murmured against your lips. You couldn't help but smile, as he shifted to deepen the kiss. This was the perfect first date.

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