Forever and Always? What a Joke!

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     You weren't sure where to go, but you sure as Hell weren't about to go back to the Slytherin Common Room. How would you explain this situation to Terence? You shook your head, trying to drown out the thoughts racing through your mind, as you ran, letting your legs carry you as far ways as possible. You burst through the massive oak doors, the cold autumn air hitting you hard. You ran as fast as you could, until you weren't able to go any further. Exhausted and distraught, you felt your knees buckle as you collapsed on the docks of the Black Lake.

Bringing your knees to your chest, you wrapped your arms around them tightly, gently rocking your self back and forth. Your self control shattered as you screamed in agony, feeling as if your heart had been shredded into millions of pieces. Your scream pierced the silent night but at this point, you couldn't care less. No one was around to hear you. And even if they were, they wouldn't care, because you were vile and more people hated than you, then you even knew. That is what he had said, wasn't it? You couldn't do it anymore. You were done. Love was a fucking waste of time and you wanted nothing to do with it.

Tear poured down your cheeks, quickly and more violently than ever before. You had given him your heart. You had given him all the love in the world. You had trusted him. And he cheated you. You shook your head, angry with yourself. Love was a weakness. It was nothing but a hoax. It wasn't real. And you had no more room for love's sick, twisted, games, not if it was going to end like this. You were stupid to believe in something so trivial. Your hope had been vanquished and there wasn't any left, not after this.

Cedric Diggory was nothing more than then an arrogant and narcissistic fool, who had no regard for anyone else's feelings. You couldn't believe you had trusted him, let alone allowed yourself to fall in love with him. Were you really that desperate? Perhaps so. You needed someone to love you, because what they said wasn't a lie, your own Father hated you more than you ever thought possible. Was it possible that you had been so starved for affection that you somehow let yourself fall for a boy that never truly cared?

Another sob escaped your lips as you cried. How could he do such a thing? This was all your fault. You should have never let yourself fall for him. You should have never pursued him. He was never your's. He didn't want you. He didn't love you. He never did. It had all been a figment of your imagination. And now, thanks to him, you had lost all faith in compassion.

"(Y/N)! Baby! I didn't cheat on you! I swear! I would never do anything to hurt you like that! Never! You know I would rather die then do such a thing! (Y/N), I love you! You! And only you! You're my girl! No one else!It's you and me, remember?! You and me against the world! Just the two of us," he insisted, his voice echoing loudly in the crisp October air. You didn't need to turn to look at him to know that he was in tears.

You leapt to your feet with your wand drawn, your beautiful brown eyes flashing a daunting crimson. You turned to face him, your face a twisted into an expression of pure rage, as you pointed your wand at his chest. "Are you fucking kidding me right now?! Do you really expect me to believe any of that bullshit?! Fuck Cedric, just you and me! You and me and Hannah! Where is Hannah, by the way, or did you forget to tell her why you're here? As a matter of fact, why the fuck are you here? I wouldn't want to steal Hannah's boyfriend, seeing as you are her's, after all," you snapped. Tears stained his cheeks scarlet. His hands were shaking as reached for you, but you pulled back in disgust. How could he do this to you?

"Baby, please! I didn't know you were standing there! You have to believe me! I would never cheat on you! Please, (Y/N/N)! Please! I would never hurt you like that... I don't know what I was thinking but... Oh God... Please, my love... You have to forgive me! (Y/N)... I... I... You are everything to me," he pleaded, his voice cracking.

"I used to believe I was your baby, but oh, how wrong I was. Just go and ask Hannah, why don't you. And tell me, Ced, why would it have mattered if I was there or not? You can't take back what you said. The fact of the matter is, you said them. The only difference would have been that I wouldn't have known what a two faced, mother fucker you are! God! I can't believe I fell in love with you! I can't believe I trusted you! But you know what, that's on me! I was stupid enough to believe all of your pathetic fallacies! Although, I must say, you were right. I am a vile human being, aren't I? And I'm sure that more people hate me than I know! I don't doubt that for a second! And you're three for three, my Father really does hate me, but guess what! That's not a fucking secret! Believe it or not, my life isn't an open book! There are things I've kept from you. But at this point, I honestly don't give a fuck anymore! I don't care!"

You let your robes fall, pooling around you, as you slipped off your white button-down, revealing a plain white camisole, your neck and collarbone visible in the moonlight. Cedric watched, mouth agape and speechless, as he noticed the various scars, bruises, and burns, that covered your delicate skin and disappeared beneath the fabric of your shirt. He gasped, in horror.

"Oh! This bothers you, does it? It makes you uncomfortable?! Hmm, I can't possibly imagine what that feels like! You have no idea the kind of bullshit I've been through! No one does! But, no one fucking cares! Why would they?! Why would anyone care about the countless times my Father has tried to kill his own family?! Why would anyone care that he's wrapped his hands around my throat in an attempt to strangle me?! Why would anyone care that he's held a knife to my neck, just to see what would happen?! Why would anyone care that his sick and depraved torture continues for hours on end, just so he can see how long we can last?! Why would anyone care about the Hell that I go through?! But, I suppose the better question would be, who could ever want me?! And for a brief second, I let myself believe that you understood. I let myself believe that you cared about me. But, I was wrong! Don't you get it? I hate my life! I absolutely despise it! And worst of all, is the fact that I go through it alone! But, no one seems to understand that! No one seems to realise that I am human too! No one seems to care! Because all they are able to see is the part of me that can destroy a life with the flick of my wand! All they ever see is the girl that they're able to hate! Not love! Never love!"

"(Y/N/N)! Baby! I didn't mean any of the things I said to Hannah! She means nothing to me! You're the only one I want! Forever and Always, remember? Please, Sweetheart! You have to believe me! Please, forgive me! You're the one I want! I love you! You and only you!"

"Forever and Always? What a joke! I used to believe every word you said. That was, until you gave another girl the promises, that you said weren't meant for us. That was, until you lied to me and cheated! Just face the facts, Cedric, you can't undo what you've done! How many times are you going to beg for my forgiveness, before you finally learn? I'm not going to sit around and wait for you to get it right! I've given you a million chances and somehow it's never enough! I'm tired of this! You can promise me the world, but it will never mean anything until you learn how to follow through!"

"(Y/N)! Please! Please I am begging you, please, don't do this! Please don't do what I think you're going to do! Please! I love you!" You sighed, shaking your head, as you pushed past him. You couldn't keep waiting for your heart to be broken time and time again.

"I'm sorry, Cedric, but this time, I don't believe you. Love is nothing but a weakness and a lie! I am tired of broken promises and empty words. If you can prove to me that you love me, then fine, but until then... we're done...!"

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