Chapter 7: Capture

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The train schedule above the ticket booths changed to show the next departing trains, including one that Marty planned to get on.

"Dagnabbit! We missed the express!" Marty snapped, stamping his hoof on the ground. The okapi sisters sighed in relief before they started to pull on their ropes, in their final attempt to escape. But Marty smiled and placed his hoof over the ropes, not noticing it's starting to choke the Okapi sisters a bit. "Looks like we're gonna have to take the Stamford Local."

Just when those words left his mouth, the zebra was suddenly tackled to the ground with a familiar voice calling out, "I got him! I got him!" and it made the sister trio feel their fear melt away in relief and happy. "Alex!" they cried in unison. But he wasn't the only one. "We found him!" Cassidy's call had reached the sisters' ears when they turned around to find her, Tessa, and Saber running to them.

Just then, their sharp hearing had picked up on a quiet crash from nearby. Their eyes had watched all of their friends appear with relief and joy on their faces. But they remembered Marty. Anger had started to burn in their veins, then it starts grow. They turned on their hooves and then ran towards the group to see them all talking to Marty.

Alex was hugging him briefly before he turned and hugged the trio with relief. But that relief, changed to shock when he saw the ropes around their necks and the marks that were made from being tugged very hard. He turned his gaze onto the zebra, just as Marty started to cower in fear. "Marty's fine. That's good to know." he muttered, to himself. "Cause I was just wondering..."

"How could you do this to us, Marty?!" Alex snarled. He grabbed the male zebra and starts to shake him. "I thought we were your friends!" "We trusted you!" The okapi sisters exclaimed angrily. Their ears were flipped back to their heads, their eyes burning with orange flames of rage, and they stomped their hooves on the ground to show Marty how they feel after he dragged them into this nightmare they did not want to be part of. "What's the big deal?!" Marty choked. "We were coming back in the morning!" Tessa and Cassidy grabbed the okapis before they could lunge themselves to the zebra when they heard Melman tell them they're running out of time. They turned to see the male giraffe's head stuck inside a large clock.

While Alex was growling at Marty, he failed to notice the lights cut out and the sound of sirens were heard outside. But the okapi siblings, Tessa, and Cassidy saw this and fear was starting to creep up their spines. Gloria and Ryan were trying to free Melman's head when they see hundreds of policemen rushing inside.

Nobody noticed, but the penguins had arrived here too. They dropped the newspaper and looked at Skipper. "We've been ratted out boys." Was all he said and they all raised their flippers up.

Alex and Marty had finally noticed everybody surround them when the sound of the guns ready to fire reached their ears. The okapi sisters surrounded their younger brother in hopes to protect him, despite the fear stinging in them. They were terrified of all the eyes on them. The penguins waddled over to the gang while Skipper said, "Cute and cuddly, boys. Cute and cuddly."

Nobody noticed this either, but the chimps earlier have arrived too. They were wearing a long trench coat and fedora. The first chimp put his arms up when guns were pointed at him and his partner. "If you have any poo, fling it now." he whispered.

Everybody was frozen. They didn't know what to do or how to react to this situation. "It's the Man." Marty whispered, regaining more air to breath. "What do we do?" Tessa asked in a whisper. The male zebra smiled and looked at everybody, like everything is all cool. "Good evening, officers!" he greets, loudly. The okapi siblings glared daggers at Marty as Alex whispered angrily, "No, no, no. You don't talk now, okay? You're not so good with putting words together and their coming out, good thing. Okay? Shh!" The male lion finally lets go of Marty and Magenta had managed to break free from Tessa and Cassidy's hold on her. She made her way towards Alex and stood next to him as she looked at all the people.

Alex and Magenta looked at the people with nervous yet calm faces. Though the pink okapi's face is filled with fear, she'd managed to gain a bit confidence to see Alex looking at the people with some bravery, but it cracked a little when she saw animal control get pushed out. "Hey! How you doing?" he started. "Yeah. You know what? Everything's cool." "We just, uh, had a little situation here." he continued. "Little internal situation. Actually, my friend went a little crazy. It happens to everybody. The city gets to us all. Went a little cuckoo in the head." The okapis smiled at Alex's remark about Marty, but the male zebra felt offended. "Hey. Don't be calling me cuckoo in the head." he spat. "Shut up!" Sakura and Saber snarled. Magenta and Alex turned to him, angry face expressions over their faces. "Just shush! I will handle this." Alex whispered growled. Just as he turned around, he let an "Ooh!" When the old lady from before had kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. "I got him!" she cheered, just as two officers ran and grabbed her, just right before Sakura could charge at her.

Alex was whimpering in pain when Tessa and Pinkie rushed over to him in worry. "Would you give a guy a break?" Alex asks, with a high pitch voice. Tessa and Pinkie helped him up with worry looks on their faces. "Are you okay?" Tessa asked. It a took a second, but Alex managed to pull himself back together and answer, "Yeah I'm fine." Magenta could see Alex still in a bit of pain, so she decided to take over of the talking and walked over next to him. But before she could start talking, Alex stopped her by raising a paw at her and started to talk again. "We're just gonna take our little friends here home," he stopped to breath as the pain faded away. "And forget this ever happened. All right?" 

He wasn't aware, but the okapis and performers notice Animal Control trying to aim the gun at Alex, but he was too silent. Magenta turned to find Alex trying to prove himself that it's him from the zoo. "Hey, it's cool. It's me, Alex the lion. From the zoo." He poses in front of the people and growls in front of the people, but he stopped to see none of them changing their expressions. He turns to the others, confused before Magenta noticed the animal control aim his gun at Alex. "What's the matter with them?" "Alex, look out!" Pinkie cried out. But a purple dart had already hit the male lion on the butt. "Ow!" he yelps out. He turns around to find the dart on his butt and muttered, "Ow..." before he starts to feel dizzy. His balance started to turn into jelly. Saber was the first one to leave Tessa and Cassidy to catch Alex from falling. "Wow! Hoo! I feel really, really weird." Alex hazily said. "Hey, oh. I love you guys. I love you so much." Those were the last words when he had passed out.

The okapis were almost in tears, though Magenta and Sakura were trying to hold them back, as they watch everyone get shot with the tranquilizer darts. The sisters surrounded Tessa and Saber to try and protect them, before a purple dart hit Pinkie on the back of neck. With one sister down for the count, but the remaining animals saw a vet rush to the cool colored okapi before Sakura growled and tried to attack. But she sadly shot with red dart. Before Magenta could even count it out, she was already hit right on her neck injury with a pink dart.

And in one minute, she passed out in Tessa's arms.

Time almost flew fast, and two certain animals were starting to wake up. They could quiet words of a news reporter as their vision was clearing up. Their groans were soft but a bit raspy. Alex was the first to regain vision and he turned to find someone he wasn't expecting, and the sight was heartbreaking.

Magenta was inside some kind of crate away from him. She was laying down and trying to wake up. Alex could see his best friend with the rest of her sisters and brother still out when a vet was still bandaging Sakura's neck and clipping something onto her ear. He could almost see tears in Magenta's eyes as she was trying to wake up.

He tried his best to regain the strength in him, only to grain some in his arm. "Hey. Little help?" he whispered, loud enough to be heard. The guards turned and their expressions turned to fear. "He's awake! He's awake!" They aimed their guns at the male lion and shot multiple darts, just the pink colored okapi had regain strength to sit up and she was shocked to see Alex shot with darts. "Alex!" That was the last thing she cried out, before the vet had injected her back to sleep.

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