Chapter 18: Noah Becomes a Trouble Magnet

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Author's Note: Thank you so much for your support on the last chapter. We had almost 50 votes!! You make my heart so happy. 

Please continue to support this story.

40 votes this chapter? Please?

Here we go!


When Rebecca and Jordan talked about meeting for lunch, she thought they'd go out somewhere. But Jordan texted her, saying that his sister insisted that they have lunch together at his place.

She was intimidated at first. Meeting anyone from your boyfriend's family for the first time can be daunting. But after the fear and anxiety of being liked by his sister edged off, she felt warm thinking about what this meant. He had talked to his sister, Angela, about her. Enough to make her curious about Rebecca and invite her over.

Giddy with nervous energy as well as excitement, she got dressed and arrived at Jordan's apartment, punctual as usual.

He opened the door, a huge smile spreading on his face as soon as he saw her. He was wearing a pair of khaki pants and a white T-shirt, looking perfect as always.

Jordan admired Rebecca in her light grey sweater dress and a pair of black boots as she stepped inside his apartment. Her naturally straight hair were left open.

"Cold out?" he asked, extending his hand for the jacket she had hung on her forearm.

"Not too bad," she responded, giving it to him and watching as he hung it inside a narrow coat closet by the entrance.

"Good. Come on," he urged, leading the way into the living room.

Rebecca had never been to Jordan's place before, so she looked around, drinking it all in. He had a lot of family pictures that embellished the otherwise empty walls.

"That's from my 5th birthday," he commented, standing behind her as she looked at the picture of little Jordan balling his eyes out in front of a birthday cake.

She laughed, "why are you crying?"

"A kid had apparently swiped some icing off the cake before I got a chance to blow out the candles." He rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"And when was this?" she asked with amusement as she moved over to a picture of a teenage Jordan posing for a picture with a girl slightly older than him. They were at a beach and the camera captured Jordan holding a hand full of sand above the girl's head, a small pile of it barely visible on top of her light hair.

"I was about 17 then and Angie was 20. It was a family holiday to the Bahamas. Man, those are some really good memories," he adjusted the frame on the wall, correcting the already perfect placement.

"Is she here?" came a voice from down the hall.

The couple turned around to find Angela walking over to them with a grin.

"Hi!" she exclaimed happily, hugging Rebecca.

"Wow, hi!" Rebecca responded, amazed at how friendly Angela seemed, and the fact that she had no idea Jordan's sister was 8 months pregnant.

Exchanging the best possible hug, given Angela's baby bump, they stepped back with mutual smiles.

"Come let's sit down," she turned around, walking over to the couch. "Jordan, mind getting us some water?"

"Oh now I see why I'm here," he joked. "You wanted a waiter."

"Precisely, my boy. Now, chop, chop!" She clapped her hands together and leaned back into the couch, sighing as her back hit the soft surface.

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