Chapter 26: The Engagement Party

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After everything that had happened in the past month, Rebecca had decided to postpone her and Jordan's engagement celebration. He and his family had understood her reasons and encouraged her to take all the time she needed. But she knew that they were all every excited for an official announcement, as were her parents.

If circumstances were different, she would have loved to shout it from the rooftop long ago. But with Ivanka gone and her issues with Noah, she didn't feel like she was in the mood for a social gathering.

Now, however, she was finally in the headspace to open herself up and have all her loved ones together under a roof to celebrate one of the happiest occasions of her life.

She had tried to keep her engagement under wraps with people at work and most of her friends, but she didn't want to keep it a secret anymore. Not only was it unfair to Jordan but also to their relationship.

It was true that she hadn't told Noah about it. He would have probably not wanted to hear about it anyway. So when she sent out invitations for the party, she left him out.

She'd have to get used to this, she thought. Noah, the friend she'd had for almost a decade, would not be celebrating her life milestones with her. He won't be there at her wedding or if she'd have any children. Who would have thought?

Shutting her laptop after having browsed Pinterest for the past hour, she walked out of the bedroom and into the living room where Jordan sat talking on his phone.

"Mom," he said, rubbing his temples. "It's going to be a small party, please stop forwarding the invitation to everyone and their grandmother."

He paused to listen to his mother's response, rolling his eyes and sighing with exasperation. "Mom, please. You have to let Rebecca and I do it our way. Yes, I know you're excited but that doesn't mean-"

Rebecca stifled a laugh as she came closer and straddled Jordan, making him raise a brow in question.

"Having fun?" She whispered, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Shut up," he mouthed with a grumbled look. Then he turned his attention back to the phone. "Ma, just hand the phone over to dad."

Linda was so over the moon about her son's engagement that Rebecca wouldn't be surprised if all of Long Island knew about it. Her excitement was endearing. But it seemed be driving Jordan crazy.

"No, of course Uncle Kyle can't come. I haven't seen him in 15 years! Mom, please just hand the phone over to dad or I'm going to hang up." He waited as there was some shuffling on the other side, before speaking again. "Hello, dad? You have to get this under control. Ok, good. Thank you." Jordan finally let our a breath of relief before ending the call.

"Fun chat?" Rebecca asked, casually, biting her lip to stop herself from bursting out laughing. Jordan's distress was adorable.

He placed his hands on her hips. "I think I've opened up a can of worms by getting engaged."

"Oh really?" Rebecca asked, resting her forearms on his shoulder, her hands dangling behind his neck.

"What else? My sweet mother has lost her mind trying to contain her happiness. Imagine trying to plan a wedding with that."

"Stop with that pout," she teased, pecking his lips.

His arms around her tightened. "Stop pulling my leg."

Rebecca gasped and brought her hands to cover her mouth. "I did no such thing!"

In response, Jordan grabbed her wrists and flipped their bodies, so she was laying on the couch with him hovering above. "Do you know what being a smartass gets you?"

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