Chapter 27: Who Does Rebecca Love?

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The silence in the air was heavy with emotions. The anger, dread and betrayal were speaking volumes without anyone uttering a word. The look in Jordan's eyes filled Rebecca with the kind of fear and alarm she had never felt before. She was genuinely terrified of the fact that life as she knew it was about to end, all because of a stupid mistake.

"What the fuck were you doing?" Jordan asked, looking between Noah and her. His words held his anger, but his face was expressionless, like he had put walls around him so no one could see inside.

She stammered as her stomach twisted in a knot. "Jordan. I know what this looks like. I mean, I am not denying what you saw. But it didn't mean-"

He held his hand up to silence her. "Not another word." His lips trembled with unspoken words. She knew he was furious and she didn't blame him. If she had caught someone else kissing him, she would be shattered. "We are leaving. Now." He took a a few steps close to her, grabbed her hand and started dragging her away.

Rebecca resisted. Not because she didn't want to go with him, but because she started thinking what this means. They would have to go back inside, through the party to get to their car. She wasn't sure she was ready to face their family and friends. Not with him so angry and her face wet with tears. "Jordan," she said hurriedly, digging her heels. "Listen to me. Jordan! Stop for a second." But he didn't. Her shoes weren't exactly made to withstand the way he was pulling her along. One of her feet twisted and her knees buckled as she let out a cry of pain, falling on the ground. 

Noah, who had been silent all this time, came rushing to her. "For fuck's sake!" He exclaimed angrily, throwing Jordan a look as he crouched down next to her, lifting her dress above her ankle so he could take a look at the damage. 

"You bastard!" Jordan spat, grabbing Noah by his shirt making him stand up. "How dare you speak to her in front of me after what you just did! I told you to stay away from her but you just couldn't help yourself, could you?!" 

Rebecca had never seen Jordan lose his temper like this. Never. "You have no idea how much I want to beat the shit out of you right now. But unlike you two, I am aware of where I am. Though, I'm warning you, if you ever show your face here again or come close to her, I will kill you with my bare hands." He let go of Noah roughly. Then he walked over to her, towering over her for a second before bending low to scoop her up in his arms. 

He held her surprisingly gently for someone who had just witnessed his fiance kissing her best friend. 

She refused to look at Noah as she was carried back inside, so they could get through to the parking lot. Noah stood in his spot, jaw clenched as he watched Rebecca bundled up in Jordan's arms. He had left it up to her. There was nothing else he could do to express his love. He had begged in every way possible.

Rebecca couldn't meet Jordan's eyes or that of their family and friends. Instead, she kept her face buried in his chest for the most part as concerned loved ones flocked around them to ask what happened. Jordan insisted that they continued the party without them, even though they were all supposed to celebrate their engagement together. With worried goodbyes and quick hugs, they let the couple go.

Jordan put her in his car without a word. He took her shoes off gently and tossed them in the back seat. She didn't ask him where they were going. She couldn't bring herself to say anything to him. All she felt  was fear. Fear that he'd leave her. I know I would, she thought bitterly.

She hadn't just cheated on him with a kiss. She'd cheated on him with her emotions; with what she had felt for Noah in that moment. 

How could she convince him that everything was fine before Noah kissed her? She was serious about her relationship with Jordan until she'd felt Noah's arms around her and his mouth on hers. There was nothing she wasn't sure of until that night. She was dreaming and waiting despearately for her future with Jordan...until that night. How will she tell him that she loves him but...maybe she loved Noah too? I am such a selfish bitch, she thought bitterly, grinding her teeth. I am wrecking my life and hurting two men while all I want is for us all to be happy. 

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