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Jungkook slowly takes off his RABBIT MASK, that was covered with blood...

"I had to k-kill them...*chuckle...
One by one the screams got louder and louder and louder" Jungkook covers his ears after being traumatised.....having flashbacks...

He slowly stumbles towards you "c-carrot...h-hug me~" kookie looks up with a desperate smile...
"Please (hyperventilating)" Jungkook starts to bite his nails....

You stand up...walking away in panic "s-stay away from me...(scared)" you remember the past...."stay away from me!!!!!" You scream your lungs out.

Jungkook gets upset, loosing his mind "I SAID HUG ME!!!!!" Tears began to fall from his eyes "aaaaaaaaa!!!!!" He shouts at you from all the frustration as you try to keep your distance....
Scared to death....

Kookie runs and grabs you, slamming you against the floor....
"N-no!!!LET GO!!!" Your heartbeat were frightened, not letting go of the past.

"IS IT THE BLOOD CARROT?(twisted smile)" Jungkook wipes the blood on your face " *heavy breathing are you crazy!!!!" I try to push him away "KOOKIE STOP!!" I absolutely hated it.

I wasn't brave enough...not anymore...
To even look at this kind of shit~

Jungkook forcefully tries to have sex with you again...
"STOP! (Desperate Crying)" your ass was already torn, and even moving was hard for you....
It was painful...

"Jungkook please~
I beg you it hurts!" You scream but he doesn't listen.

"Jungkook~I beg you stop~" your voice slowly starts to disappear as you start to cry.

He pulls down your panties slamming his dick inside of you, making you gasp for air "aaaah~!!!" (Moans) j-Jungkook aaah~!!!" You grabs his hair, as he continues to pound into you without any hesitations.

Your whole body rubbed up and down against the floor.....

It was painful.....
But it made me calm down...for some made me come back to my senses....
As I could feel his breath quivering against my ear, and the way he held up my head carefully, not letting it touch the floor....
I could feel his hands trembling in fear....

You slowly place your hands on his back, tightly giving him a hug as he stops moving.
I don't know if your playing with me again~
Please don't hate me~
I won't be able to live with myself~
Why are you doing this to me~"
The tears streams down his cheeks.

I had to buckle up my guilt....
Realising this is it....

I did this to you, when you could've had a normal life....I ruined it....
I thought .......I had to hug you....I had to....

I have to take responsibility....
I could just feel the pain you had to go through...doing those horrible things and traumatising yourself just to be able to impress me and when it didn't work back then......
It was too late....for me
To stop you...

"Shhhhhh~(pat) don't cry I'm here...." I gently rub on his back....
Giving myself a reality check....

"Th-there was b-blood everywhere....
Their s-screams....I can still hear them...(Heavy breathing) I-i had to do it.....
I had to kill them...." Jungkook couldn't stop trembling....

Please spear my son!!!!"
[Women Dying]

"Sh-She was on me feet....
A-and I pulled the bullet went straight through his head....
I had no was my mission...
I-I kill people *crazy chuckle

A-and the guys who were with me...
They were stabbing the 4 years olds, a-and the's all over me....(gasping for air) I didn't wanna do it....b-but then you won't accept me...will you....?" Jungkook couldn't speak properly, he was stuttering out his sentences.....

He was crazy.....
Or should I say I'm the one who made him crazy....
Obsession is scary, greed and the will to have something can be very dangerous....

You look at him with utter shock...
Not believing a word he had said...

He was doing it for you....
Haha haha cause I'm into stuff like this?
I told him that?
I made him into this creature I can't even call a monster...
ME!!!I DID IT!!!

So I could say I love you to him....
And be impressed and fall for him...
I'm the worst...

He faints on top of you....
Knocked out cold...
"Jungkook?" You shake him as he falls to the ground "Jungkook!?" You were about to go the house to find his brother but you didn't wanna take any chances.

"Is he still breathing?" You talk to yourself as you put your finger under his nose....
And thankfully he was breathing...

I cried my balls out.....

When I first saw him with that smile...
The way he presented a rose to me...
It was the sweetest and I wasn't grateful enough(Crying)
I'm the one who doesn't deserve him....

How did it come to this?
The fact he does this kind of shit for a living is revolting....

You lay next to him...
Hugging him tightly "I'll be here~" finally accepting your mistake....
And letting it all out....
Jungkook slowly opens his eyes due to the chirping birds...
He looks at you tightly hugging him and keeping him warm..
"Argh!" He groans in pain as he grabs his head....

"O no~" remembering what happened...
"*sigh not again...."

Jungkook would get traumatised after killing someone, he wouldn't be able to think sane anymore, his mind would go totally blank....
But why did he feel like he had to act like an evil person?

Because he was brought up this way....
He was raised like that from the start...
That's right...even before his college when he met you....
From the day he was born....
He lived around only gangsters and thugs....
His foster parents always tried to pressure him to act like them but he refused....
It wasn't just because of you....
He felt like he had to do it...there was no way out....

But you know what? You dragged him into the corner, and forced him to accept his fate.
When he could've walked away....
You were also a part of his misfortune...

I'm will try my best 2 finish this in 5 episodes....maybe an extra but definitely 5.....
Thanks for reading and I hope you'll continue reading❤️💜

HE FOLLOWS(Jungkook ff 18+)Where stories live. Discover now