New Neigbours

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Out of the corner of my eye, I couldn't help observe the specks of dust starting to form on my window. Briefly make a mental note to clean my room later. When I quickly notice that the house across was no longer for-sale. Someone must have bought that recently as the sign wasn't there last week. All of a sudden, two vehicles gradually parked on the driveway followed by a moving truck rental. It seems like I wasn't the only one filled with curiosity that watches the new neighbors. My team who lazily sat moments ago on the floor were now scattered in both windows in my bedroom.

The first person who steps out of the jeep wrangler is a man who appeared to be in his late forties. He observes the other houses with a serious look on his face and then gestures the driver on the second car to follow him. A few moments later, the second person finally gets out of the Audi. They had their oversize jacket hood up, making it difficult to identify any of their appearance except their voluptuous body. Someone whistled beside me as we all watch enthralled.

The man grabbed a few boxes on the truck and starts to head inside the house, leaving the girl alone. I felt impelled to help her as she struggled to carry one of the medium boxes when a teenager riding on his bike beats me to it. Good thing I understand to read lips since we couldn't hear them. Although I still couldn't see the face of the girl.

"......some help?" I watch the boy's lips move as he looks at her awestruck. The girl nodded as they both went inside the house. As the two went outside to retrieve more boxes, a pickup truck passed by their house.

"What the fuck are they doing?" a stunned Gabriel said beside me. I couldn't help but agree.

We all continue to watch attentively as the truck made a rash decision to reverse on the tranquil road. I flinch at the sound of the skidding car. Surprisingly today was quiet as they were causing a disturbance. The driver parked at the curbside of the new neighbours house. Then steps out followed by three men approaching the girl. I presume that they also offered to help her as they too grabbed some of the big boxes. When all of the boxes were gone, the girl gratefully shakes their hands. After she closed the door, the five stumbled to return to their vehicles as their gaze once more landed at the closed door. The four bulky men were blushing madly as they walked away. I admit that was probably the funniest scene I have ever seen. They were big guys that resembled North's frame or maybe even bulkier who seemed flustered by a small girl. I sit back down on my bed when the show was finally over.

"Who was that girl?" Luke runs his hands through his hair an indication of a daydream. Probably trying to make out her facial features. Certainly, I wasn't the only one now peek with interest. We continued the meeting but after a while, each of us would occasionally glance at the window in interest. Even Mr. Blackbourne seemed to be distracted which was rare.

The sunset was still a couple of hours away, yet we haven't resolved to discuss our new mission. When out of nowhere, Victor sees that the girl had reappeared. Quickly, he went to one of the closest windows.

"Um, you guys may want to check this out." Victor cleared his throat, as we immediately check to what caused him to be a daze. I start to count trying to distract myself from what I was witnessing.

The girl earlier was no longer wearing a hoodie. From what I could describe, she resembled an angel. Her hips swayed naturally when she walks over to the yard, still breathing heavily when she landed on the front porch. It seems like she just got home from her run. Finally catching her breath, she was captivated at the scenery of the sun disappearing. I didn't know exactly how I felt when I notice that I wasn't the only one who couldn't stop admiring the tiny pixie.

At first glance, it seems like she has blonde hair. But if she walked at the right angle, the sun shining directly at her head. There would be different hues of hair that I knew Gabriel has already called claimed. Her earthy green eyes gleamed at the scenery. However, behind those eyes, I can see they were haunted by something. Her hidden figure that was invisible earlier today was now in a display as she wore a black sports bra and leggings. If I'm not mistaken, I believe I heard North swearing.

100...99...98 -I really tried to be a gentleman and not think pervertedly. However, I couldn't help my drifting eyes as the sweat drips down to her ample chest. I gulp nervously. Look away, Kota.


Sang couldn't help but feel that several pairs of eyes were watching her. I look around to see the source, which is coming from a group of men from across the street that was merely just staring at her. Unsure, I wave at them. Instantly one of the boys who wore glasses closes the blinds. Okay then. Shrugging off the weird neighbours, I enter my new temporary home.

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