My First Week

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I didn't know why, but I was incredibly nervous on my first day at Reed's. I knew Adam and a couple other employees, and I knew that beautiful shop like the back of my hand. I knew everything about where I was going to work. Why was I nervous?

When I got to the door, I was let in by the barista from a week ago. She greeted me warmly and gave me a cup of coffee. She told me that her name was Nicole and that she would be the one to train me, since Adam was out for a couple of days. By the time the day was over, Nicole told me that as was really impressed by how well I already knew the shop. I felt my face getting warmer. Of course I knew the shop; I'd been obsessed with Reed's for years!


After my first week was over, I was confident in my job and still overjoyed every afternoon when I came in. Adam joked about me enjoying my job so much a couple of times. "It's work, Emily, you're supposed to dread it!" I always smiled and kept working.

When I started, my job was to take inventory on the books and then clean the tables and counters before I left. It might seem dull, but it never was. There was always a new face waking through the door for me to help, and another amazing song to listen to over the speakers.

After saying goodbye to everyone on Friday night, I walked out the door to Alice's car. Alice volunteered to pick me up because my mom was working late and I didn't have a car. Alice giggled at me when I opened the car door. "Emily, why on Earth do you like working so much. I mean, I get the first day, but you're mood hasn't changed all week." I sighed and rolled my eyes. "I know you don't get it, but I love Reed's and everyone there. It's where I feel the happiest. Well, that and on my couch watching YouTube. "Amen for YouTube", Alice sang.

"Oh, did you hear about Dan and Phil? They've been in the U.S. all week. They were in California doing spontaneous meet-ups."
"God, I would give anything to tell them how much they mean to me. They always make my day brighter, through their vibrant personalities and overwhelming hotness."
We spent the ride to my house talking about Dan and Phil. It was the only thing that we both fangirled about, so we took the opportunity to scream about their perfection. We talked about how hot they were and we daydreamed about what it would be like to meet them. We both knew it would never happen, but a fangirl can dream.

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