Tuesday (pt 3)

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A/N: I just wanted to give my apologies for making a three-part day. I really wasn't thinking ahead and it was a bad decision, please forgive me. Oh, and if you're liking my story, could you vote or send me a nice comment? I'd love that a lot. OKAY BYE

Once I arrived, I quickly became uncomfortable with the amount of people that were around me. I didn't particularly enjoy being around strangers, let alone more than having 20 of them near me. I got back on the task at hand and tried to find Dan and Phil. After less than a minute of searching, I found them; they were the tall men with the distinct hair and outfits I'd recognize no matter where they were. They were also looking around; they were looking for me. Smiling almost crazily with happiness, I walked as fast as I could towards them.

When I was within view, I saw Phil look over towards me and smile. "Emily!" He tapped Dan on the shoulder and he looked up at him, then over at me. "Hi, you must be Emily." "Yeah, hello," I said as I tried not to let the overwhelming excitement show on my face. Neither of us could think of something else to say to keep the conversation going, so we awkwardly glanced at each other in silence for a couple of seconds. "Okay!" Phil spurted, breaking the silence. "You've been here before, right, Emily?" I nodded. "More than a few times." "Well then," Dan chuckled, "I guess that makes you our tour guide." I laughed, then put on a sarcastic tour leader persona and grabbed them a map from a stand nearby. "Alllrighty, where would you like to go first?"

After getting some pizza from my favorite pizza vendor in all of Chicago, we headed towards the Ferris wheel. We were walking on a bridge with wooden planks that I'd walked on many times before, but I still couldn't believe where I was. I was walking to the right of the two guys I'd gotten to know and love in Internet videos. This afternoon had felt like a dream. As we were talking about how their visit to America had been, Dan had a moment of realization and he pulled out his camera. "Shit, Phil, we haven't filmed anything yet today." After Dan said that, Phil remembered and nodded at Dan to film. "Sorry about this, but we've been doing a kind of vlog of our trip. Would it be okay if we filmed for a couple minutes?" I started to nod. "More importantly," Dan added, "would it be okay if we filmed our guide? I mean, if you don't want to, that's fine." It took me a few seconds to make my decision. I would love to be in a Dan and Phil video, but I was incredibly camera shy and the thought of a video of me on the internet forever made me cringe with worry. "Um, sorry, I'd love to, but I'm pretty camera shy and I know I'd look like an idiot."

Even though they were a little disappointed, they nodded and respected my answer. After a few minutes of watching Phil talk about their day and The Navy Pier, I heard him slip in a word about their "lovely guide". He looked over at me as I beamed and giggled. I know I sounded stupid, but I was too happy to care.

A few minutes later, we were getting close to the Ferris wheel. As we started to walk a little faster out of excitement, I failed to notice a plank detached and hanging upwards with a curved nail sticking out in front of it. I tripped and my bare knee fell onto the nail. I gasped and clenched my leg. Both of them were surprised and unhappy to see that I had gotten hurt, but they stopped to help me get up and asked me if I was okay. I tried to smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Do either of you happen to have a band aid?" Phil looked at Dan he pulled out a small green container filled with bandages, gauze, and a few sanitary wipes. "I've got some," Dan said like a superhero, obviously more than a little proud of himself for being prepared. Phil and I laughed.

Dan beckoned for me to put my leg out as he kneeled to help me care for the cut. He opened a packet of gauze and put pressure on it to help stop the bleeding, though there wasn't much of it. Then, he wiped the cut with a sanitary wipe and looked for a band aid. He smirked and held up two band aids. "Would you like stars or smiley faces? It's all I've got." I tried to look overwhelmed and puzzled by this minuscule decision. "My mind is telling me my destiny is the stars." Dan opened up the bandage and put it on my knee. "There, stars it is." "Wow, Dan," Phil said, "I guess you were right when you said you'd need it one day."

We walked around, ate food, shopped, and talked until the sun started to set. I didn't want to, but I knew that I needed to be home soon. If not, my mom would start to call and I'd be in trouble. "Sorry, but I think that I should be getting home." They nodded and Phil said that they should be getting ready to leave tomorrow. When we had gotten back to where I'd come in, I hugged them both and we said goodbye to each other. "And I will get your book back to you, Emily. It just might be awhile until I'm back here." "I'm really not worried about my book, Phil. I'm sure that you'll take great care of it." With that, I got a taxi and waved them goodbye.

After texting my mom that I would be home soon, the driver noticed how happy I was. "Good day, huh?" I looked back up at him. "Yeah, could you tell?" He chuckled and went back to driving. Yes, it had been a great day. They had been nicer to me then I could have hoped and they never once treated me like another fan. I was just a friend that watched their videos, and they were extremely appreciative of me. I was like someone to take care of and be there for because I'd been there for them. I was happy to be with them, and they in return were happy to be with me. It wasn't possible for even my future English homework to diminish my attitude. Dan and Phil had spent their afternoon with me, and that was too great of a thing to be ruined.

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