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I woke up Tuesday morning at 5:30, still excited and happy from last night. I didn't care how early in the morning; my enthusiasm wasn't changed by the time of day. I turned on my desk lamp and grabbed my phone. I opened it up and checked my Twitter feed. Nothing interesting.

I was going to check the temperature when I saw that I had a new message from Phil(!):
P: Hi is this Emily? (It's Phil)
I hurriedly typed an answer.
E: Yeah this is Emily. Hello!
I waited anxiously for an answer while my phone showed that he was typing.
P: Hi! You're up pretty early.
E: So are you! :)
P: Yeah, I've still got a bit of jet lag.
E: Oh ok. How are you?
P: I'm alright. I was wondering what you were doing this afternoon.
I giggled. Did he want to hang out with me? I tried not to get my hopes up.
E: I'm actually doing nothing today after 1:00.
P: Do you want to meet Dan and I at The Navy Pier? I'd love to talk to you before we leave!
Emily, calm down. You're just hanging out with him, stop fangirling. Wait, YOU WERE ASKED TO HANG OUT WITH AMAZINGPHIL.
E: I'd love to! What time?
P: Does 3:00 work?
E: Sure! See you there :)
P: See you! :)

It felt like I needed to pinch myself; it was almost certainly a dream. And to think, it was just by chance that I met Phil; it was just by chance that he came into Reed's. In that moment, I loved the universe's plans.

Now, I had to fuss over what I was going to wear today. After contemplation, I decided on my dark-wash jeans, an old black t-shirt, and a purple hoodie. I took my braids out and calmed my curled hair so that it would look presentable. I pulled the front pieces of hair back into a bobby pin. Then, I quickly put my makeup on.

After I was done, I ran downstairs, grabbed a piece of toast, and headed out the door so that I could sit at the park for a while before school. Whenever I was excited or overwhelmed with something, I always sat on the little swings on Pine Street. It helped me clear my head and get ready for school.

After fifteen minutes had passed, I got up and started my walk to school. I tried to prepare what I was going to say to Alice, but I still didn't know how to word things. Screw it, I'll just improvise. I got to the doors of school and let out a big smile. I'd had the best night; I wasn't going to let school ruin that today.

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