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As soon as I got home, I tried to FaceTime Alice. Like me, she was on her phone 95% of her free waking hours. Even though I thought that she would, she didn't answer. Only when I need her to, I thought. I tried texting her in all caps: ALICE GUESS WHAT? That usually worked, but I still had no answer. I gave up and I decided that I'd just tell her tomorrow morning at school. I didn't need to harass her, anyway.

Because I was a Fangirl at heart, I spent the next two hours watching old Dan and Phil videos. It felt so weird to watch him on a screen when I had just seen him in person. One thing was for sure; his personality was the same. He was the same bubbly, sweet person in his videos and in real life. Throughout the night, a big smile never left my face.

It was 11:00, so I decided that I should take a shower. Afterwards, I put on some pajamas. I decided on a blue exploding TARDIS Doctor Who t-shirt with a pair of black capri sweatpants. I took off my makeup and put my hair into two long braids so that my hair would be slightly curly tomorrow.

I realized that I hadn't put Phil's number as a contact in my phone yet; I had only put it in my phone's notes. When I transferred the number into a contact, I decided to just put 'Phil' as the name and put in my favorite picture of him; he was wearing sunglasses and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Pikachu shirt, and he looked so delightfully him in it.

It was 11:30, so I set a goal for myself to be in bed and ready to sleep by midnight. I had school tomorrow, and I wanted to wake up especially early to meet Alice before school. After all, it might take me a while to explain what had happened at Reed's. I opened Netflix on my phone and decided to watch The Parent Trap. I'd seen this movie many times before, but it was always one of my favorites and I was in that kind of a mood. Besides, if someone says that they don't need some mini Lindsay Lohans in their life, they're lying.

After only about ten or fifteen minutes, I was feeling too exhausted to keep my eyes open. When I figured out that I wasn't even watching the movie anymore, I decided to get into my bed and just go to sleep. I plugged my 12% phone into the charger and drifted off to sleep, dreaming about only happy things.

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