Tuesday (pt 2)

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After a dull morning at school, I could hardly calm my excitement for tonight. After considering my situation, I told Alice that I was just going to The Navy Pier with a friend I'd met at Reed's. I'd tell her about Phil later, because I knew talking about meeting Phil would be hard and I wasn't in the mood for explaining. I was also considering surprising her, but I hadn't decided yet.

I walked towards home, headphones in. A couple of blocks from home, I stopped at a McDonalds and- against my best interest- ordered a McFlurry. It was a bad habit that I try to control, but I just felt like having a McFlurry, so I went in before I could think reasonably. After ordering a small Rolos McFlurry, I left and continued my walk home.

Once I arrived back home, I was faced with the dilemma of what to wear this afternoon. Did I want to look dressy and cute? Did I want to look casual and everyday? I was meeting Dan and Phil; I needed to look nice! I went somewhere in the middle of the two, wearing a light blue skirt with black polka dots and a black long sleeve top. By now, my curls from this morning had become limp, so I put my hair into a high ponytail.

I proceeded to watch Netflix until a couple hours later when I checked the time: it was 2:51, and I was supposed to be meeting them at 3:00. I let out a series of curses, acknowledging the fact that I was most likely going to be late. I was always early, but the one time it mattered, I was late. I threw on my matching black Converses and headed to the door. I jogged to the street and grabbed a taxi. Once I got in and had spoken to the driver, I checked my phone. The time was 2:55, and I had a text from Nicole:
N: Hi! Sorry this is last minute, but could you please come into work for me? I've been sick all day. I know it's your day off, but we'll be low on staff of I can't find someone to cover for me. Thank you!

I hated to say no when she'd been so nice to me, but I had plans that I couldn't cancel. I decided that it would be best to call her rather than just text. I was a little nervous that she'd be disappointed in me, but I built up my courage and called anyway.
She didn't answer, and I was a little relieved. I left a message saying that I was sorry but I had plans that I couldn't cancel. I thought it sounded a bit conceited, but I couldn't cancel on Dan and Phil! When the taxi had gotten to the Pier entrance, it was 3:02. I paid, stepped out of the car, and took a deep breath. I was about to meet with Dan and Phil, and I was so happy I felt like screaming.

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