Chapter Nine: Interviews-part 1

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After breakfast, Gloss and Cashmere separate me and Glimmer to discuss interviews. 

"Ok Marvel, " he says, as we sit down into the lounge, "Because the training score didn't go as well as planned, everything is reliant on the Interviews. We need to remind them that District One are the stars of the show."

"What's my angle going to be?"

"I need you to be friendly and open during the interview. Make them laugh. Get the audience to feel they know you and make them someone they can relate to."

"Like tell them an awkward moment about myself?"

"Yes, like when you tried to throw a spear behind you and completely failed."

"Hey, that was your idea!" I protest.

"And? You're the one who said you could do, " He raises his eyebrow and I struggle to think of a retort, "You're not exactly coming across as friendly and nice right now Marvel." I glare at him and then force a smile. 

"That's better," says Gloss, "Now the burning question Caesar will probably ask you is why you volunteered. Like I said, we need to make you relatable. Talk about how amazing the games are, how you were inspired and encouraged by your mother, a victor. Say what an honour it is to be here. That sort of thing."

"Ok, " I say, "So just come across as friendly and funny and talk about how I'm awed to be in the Hunger Games. That doesn't sound too hard."

"No, but it's memorable " agreed Gloss, "And above all, come across as someone who's honest and who people can trust. They need someone from Districts One, Two and Four who's like that. If they don't like you, they might not consider sponsoring you."

"Can I ask what Glimmer's angle is?"

"Yes, " says Gloss, "she's going for sexy. She's trying to create a love triangle between her, Cato and Clove."

"Love triangle?" I ask, "but that will make Clove jealous. We need her as an ally."

"Romance gets sponsors, kid, " says Gloss, "Trust me, I've been mentoring for years now. We need to make your alliance with Districts Two and Four as interesting as possible in order to get sponsors. Speaking of which, is there anyone you can have a potential relationship with?"

"No way, " I say quickly, but for some reason my thoughts dart to Marina. 

"Fair enough, " he says. I think he's finished, but then he adds, "Oh, by the way, if Caesar Flickerman asks you what you think of Glimmer, say something along the lines of 'Oh she's like a sister to me' or 'she's had a hard time. She deserves to be happy."

"Has she had a hard time? Is she like a sister to me?" I ask. 

"No, but with her inept archery ability, we really need to pull off the romance. Make out that she and Cato are doomed star-crossed lovers or something. It's her only chance, " He sees my expression and sighs, "Look, I know you don't want to help out Glimmer, which is fair enough because there's only one victor. But I'll put it this way: your alliance might get sponsors if there's an interesting romance going on, ok?" 

I nod. The more sponsors the better, even if it means helping out Glimmer. But then a thought hits me, "Wait, if Caesar asks me what problems she's been going through, what do I say?"

"I don't know, " says Gloss, "Say her cat died or something." 

I raise an eyebrow, "I don't even know if she owns a cat."

"Ok, scrap that idea. Just say she's like a sister to you and you want her to be happy." Much easier. 

For the next few hours, Gloss and I brainstorm possible questions I might get asked-how I got my 9 in training, why I volunteered, what's my home life like. The list goes on and on but Gloss is experienced and manages to narrows the list down and coaches me on what to say for each one. 

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