The news

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    I nervously look around. Even though it was my 2nd week here, and I was getting a tiny bit close to everybody, dinner was always like this. Ben sat across from me, trying to stare at me a lot less than he needed too. Everyone was a lot more silent than they each needed too, and I guess that Ben noticed it too. I wasn't sure if I could eat. Everyone was as slow as a snail, barely biting their food. They each glared at each other, as if not sure when to eat, or how. I wasn't sure either, slicing the steak, slice after slice, wondering when to chew or eat. I followed Ben, first, salad. Then, the meat, and then mashed potatoes. I was busily following him on how to eat when Alisa tapped her wine glass with a fork. 

    Everyone turned their heads toward her. "I heard from one of the Innas that there will be a ball, about 2 months later. The king has announced it as a celebration for the royal privileges." Nobody said anything, just nodding. But I was going nuts! What is this ball! How do I prepare! How will I even- Oh my god! I was worried about everything when Ben's mother put down her fork and knife and stared at me. "We'll need to change a bit of lesson, Alisa, you need to teach her about dancing. One at a time. Ben, you can continue the sword lessons, but you'll need to help her practice dancing." Ben's mother said. Everybody finished their meals and got off their seats. I was last, unsure if I should eat more or not. I shrugged and got off my seat too.

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