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hey ok so first off there will be an update right after this :) buuuuuuuuut before, i wanted to ask your opinion on something.

for english, we had to write a poem about war. i decided to base my poem off the destiel fanfiction twist and shout.

regardless of whether or not you've read that fic, if you're reading this, please give me some feedback because i want to know if i should turn it in or write another one.

ok here we go;

See You Then

i remember the days

before the war

before that dreadful day

when we sat on your couch

and listened to him

call out your birthday.

you were lively,

always at the race track,

or working on your bike.




i would sneak down,

away from the crowds,

and watch you race.

it was warm that day,

the sun out,

the heat

filling the small space

we once shared.

that afternoon,

we went out

down the street

to that little chinese restaurant

i knew you loved.

we came home,

i napped,

you smoked,

and we both hoped,

although you wouldn't admit it,

that your birthday

wouldn't be called.

when it was,

we stayed quiet.

no words were spoken

as i went into the kitchen,

to pour us each a glass of milk.

i began to cry,

silently first,

and then loud,

heartbreaking sobs,

that filled the room,

the apartment.

you got mad.

you punched a hole in the wall.

and you went into our bedroom.

you probably cried.

you never told me.

when i drove you to the base,

you wouldn't let me say goodbye.

didn't seem right,

you said.

so instead,

you muttered,

"see you then."

before turning,

and making your way

into the base.

you were only supposed to be gone a year.

twelve months,

three hundred sixty five days.

one year.

but the haunting,

unnerving truth was:

you never came back.

a year later,

you lay in our bed,

staring at the wall with


dead eyes,

and i knew the truth was

you never came back.

and when i came home from school,

your bags packed,

your clothes gone,

and no explanation for your absence,

i couldn't help but think

of the time

when you brought me to your chest,

strong arms wrapped around me,

the comforting embrace easing my anxiety,

as you pressed your lips to my forehead

and whispered,

"see you then."

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