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"Hey Mom?" Hanna asked, popping her head into my bedroom. I shut my laptop, standing up and opening the door fully.

"What's up?"

"I know this party means a lot to you, and I really want to go, but I'm so stressed about moving I'm thinking I should maybe stay in."

Hanna had been supportive of my writing since she learned how to write herself. Since she had been born, I had had eight books published, still working for the publishing firm part-time. I had been working on another book, but I doubted I would ever pitch it; The story was too personal, I wanted to keep it all to myself.

Dean had been dead for twenty years. I still occasionally saw him in my dreams, though I wasn't sure if I believed it was really him or just a dream. I didn't tell Klaus. I didn't tell anybody.

Jackson had been in college for three years, studying to be a lawyer just like his uncle. Stanford was a long drive away, but Jackson loved it, and he visited as much as he could, making sure he kept in touch when he couldn't. Hanna, the free-spirit, was going to NYU, an even further ways away. It had been her dream forever, and though I couldn't bare the thought of being so far away from her, I supported her.

I gave Hanna a small smile, nodding. "If that's what you want."

"I want to go, I really do, but- but-" she inhaled shakily. "I don't think I'm ready for college."

"Of course you are," Klaus said as he entered the room. "It's completely understandable that you're nervous, but you're going to do fine. You always do."

Hanna nodded, smiling up at him. "Thanks Dad." She looked back and forth between us, sighing happily after a moment. "I think I will go."

"Are you sure? I don't want you stressing-"

"I want to go." she smiled, nodding. "I'm going to go get ready."

"Okay," I smiled as she turned and ran back to her room. Klaus grinned, crossing the room and placing his hands on my waist.

"Are you ready for tonight?"

"I'm kind of nervous," I confessed. "You think I'd be used to it, but I'm not."

"That's understandable, love. Tonight will go swimmingly, don't worry."

I took a deep breath, nodding. "You're right."

He smiled again, leaning down to kiss me. Hanna came in a few moments later, pretending to gag.

"I'm going to be out of the house soon, you guys can't wait?" she laughed, holding up two dresses to cover her eyes.

"Sorry, he's just so irresistible," I teased, and Hanna rolled her eyes.

"Just help me pick between these two dresses and I'll be out of your hair." She held up the dresses, both mid-thigh length, the black one sleeveless, the skirt loose and flow-y, the red one a tight, quarter sleeved dress.

"I think the black one," Klaus said, and I nodded.

"Go with the black."

"Thank you," she grinned, backing out of the room and going to get ready. I turned to face Klaus, resting my hands on his chest.

"I should probably start getting ready," I sighed, standing on my toes to peck his lips. "I still need to shower."

"You've still got four hours." he said, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him.

"Our daughter's still in the house." I chortled, my eyes on his lips.

"So close," he mumbled, leaning in to kiss me.

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