L e t t e r s to m y s e l f

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What could I have said?

Would I have listened to the body that was gnawing on itself, to the you who wanted so much to be let out?

How would I explain what I have done...?

Once upon a while ago and 'us' existed between You and I

yet, one of us grew too anxious and locked the other deep inside itself.

Would you tell me if you did. 

What should I begin to say?

Maybe you'd appreciate it if I talked about us, after-all there still exists an 'us' - she's a real beauty, in an unconventional way, but you already know that.

You're You after-all and I'm...well, I'm Me and You.

Do you know she's still too shy to wear the clothes she wants? I mean, shit! what's she now? 20? and I agree, that's way too much time spent on what others might think.

What can I tell you? is anything okay? like, does it matter if it's important or not?

I don't know how to start but I suppose I already have, or we have.

I still keep it a secret, you know. I

 keep it a secret that I absolutely adore cute things, that I hate the things I'm good at and sometimes I do still squeal at rom-coms. 

I think that everyone wants for me to be level headed and so we play into that, don't we? 

Acting as though nothing bothers us and romance? Ew, what a poor excuse for entertainment. 

I think I've said too much...sorry.



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