Chapter 8

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*Dior Taylor's POV*

"Tonight was fun," I say as I step out of his car. We'd just came back from Pinballz Arcade and dinner at Chipotle.

It was average but whenever you hang out with the right person it doesn't matter. Their presence makes it fun. Buttttt...I don't think he's the one. We're too different personality AND priority wise. (He's definitely still fine tho.)

As we walk up to my door he grabs my hand and pulls me back.

"You really had fun ma?" He asks looking me directly in the eyes.

"That's what I said right?" I say lightly and he gives me a big goofy ass smiled that's straight grilled out.

I continue walking forward till he jerks me back a little and says, "Damn, so no kiss or nun? Not even a hug?"

I then turn and give him a hug and kiss on his cheek, "Goodnight Nate."

"Goodnight baby," he then turns and leaves.

After unlocking my door and heading upstairs I put the little Tweety Bird teddy bear he won me on my dresser and took a hot shower.

Eventually I fallen asleep after binge watching You on Netflix, and snacking on Oreos.


"OH MY GOSH, I'VE GOT IN!!" I dance excitedly around the kitchen with the acceptance letter from LSU and I couldn't be more happier.

Soon enough I FaceTimed Toni and Naomi. After a few they answered.

"What hoe it's 9 o'clock in the morning?" Toni morning breath ass greeted me with.

"Come on na, you better not say you pregnant because I wanna hear that news in person," Naomi ignorant ass wanna say.

"If y'all would shut the fuck up, y'all would what I have to say...sooooo I got accepted into LSU and I'm starting next semester!" I share authentically and dance around again.

"I'm so happy for you!" They both say followed by Naomi saying, "Me being a god mother would've been great news also but it's whatever."

"Stop snorting crack Naomi. Bye, love y'all," I said and was followed by love you's back.

Soon after I texted my parents the news and put their messages on do not disturb because I don't want them to be a buzzkill, not today at least.

I text Keem I'm coming over then I throw on some clothes.

After putting on my black biker shorts, a Tupac graphic tee, my orange and black 1's, my gold anklet, my diamond stud earrings, and my small gold chain, I head out.

Arriving at his house I went straight in. Firstly seeing Mrs. Keen in their kitchen so I went to greet her.

"Goodmorning mama," I say jokingly but deep down I meant it and I know she knows that too.

"Goodmorning love. How are you? Did you eat?" She asks me, per usual.

"I'm great and no, not yet at least. But I've come bearing good news," she nods her head and motions for me to continue, "Sooo I've been accepted into LSU and I leave next semester!"

Immediately I'm engulfed into a bone crushing hugs, one of those which say all you're feeling. I read: "I'm proud of you," "Congrats," "I love you," and "Best daughter ever."

I couldn't keep the smile off my face until I heard her sniffles.

"I've always known you could do it," she says into my shoulder. So I avoid looking at her because I know by seeing her emotional will make me cry also. So I gently rub her back and say thank you.

"What's going on here," we hear Keen nosy ass come in so we break apart and she wipes her face.

"Well since you asked, I've come over to deliver special news..." I drag out just to give it a more dramatic effect.

"Say it nigga," his ugly ass gone say.

"Man shut up. I made it into LSU and I leave next semester!" I say and almost immediately he twirls next in a circle.

"I'm proud of you," he says wherever he's done and gives me the goofiest smile, "And I also have good news of my own, I made it into H of U with a full ride for football!"

"Oh my gosh, I'm so happy for you. When did you find out?" I ask and can't keep the smile off my face.

"The day after graduation but I didn't want to bring it up to you, until you got accepted. Now look at us... Who would've thought?" We both laugh and shake our heads.

"Oh, and I leave next month for summer training. They want to start me early," he says and my smile falters.

I then get a little teary eyed but I keep it in. This is what happens when people grow up. I know this, but that didn't stop the sadness.

"I'm happy for you," I say and give him the fakest smile I can muster.

"I should go though," I say and side hug them both, "Love y'all."

"Love you more," they both say at the exact same time as I'm heading out.

Driving home, I stop to get a breakfast platter from McDonald's and apple juice.

Upon arriving to the garage I see both of my parents car and I already know they're about to fuck my morning up.

Just great.

I go inside and await the party poopers sitting on the couch right in front of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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