I'm just a kid

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When they introduced each other probably they immediately started to play together. Izuku never had so much fun, his new friends were amazing.

Ojiro couldn't stop looking at the tiny greenete, he was just so cute. (I fucking love childhood romances, it's cute.)
He always felt his face grow warm when Izuchan smiled. Was he sick?

The rest of the day was spend with laughing and playing. Neither of the kids ever had fun at this pre-school, let alone played or laughed here. But with their new friend it seemed so easy and they couldn't wait for tomorrow to play again.

When they got picked up from their parents, the kids eagerly told them about Izuchan and their day. The parents knew it wasn't easy for them, so they were surprised and happy when their kids got out smiling and laughing. They got even more happy that they made a friend who stood up for them. Ojiro's parents especially noticed his blush when he talked about this Izuchan and smirked at each other.

When Izuku was picked up he run (with his tiny legs it looked more like twaddling) at Mic who immediately picked him up and spun him around.

"hey little listener, how was your day?" he asked when he settled Izuku on his arm, backpack had Aizawa.

Izuku clutched onto Mic's neck and smiled while telling him about his new friends.

Mic was ecstatic about hearing that his son made friends, even Aizawa shared a little smile.

The rest of the walk Izuku was happy about talking about his day. When they entered the grocery store to buy the ingredients for Katsudon, Izuku was set to the ground again, holding onto his dad's (Aizawa) hand.

Well more like Mic got them, while the other two walked over to the snacks. Aizawa let him pick one snack as a treat. Izuku picked something called a mini muffin with vanilla flavor.

When they paid for everything, they made their way home. But when they passed an alleyway something red caught their attention.

The small family made their way towards it when they suddenly stood infront of a boy, 7 or 9 maybe, with blond hair and gigantic red wings. He was crying.

Izuku tapped the boy on the arm, and when he looked up with fear in his eyes, Izuku just smiled at him.

"Hi my name is Izuku but you can call me Izu or anything else, but are you okay?"

The boy just started crying again and sobbed 'they can't do that to me', 'help me' and the most important thing 'I'm just a kid'.

Mic And Aizawa felt their heart break for the little boy and crouched down to calm him down.

As he finally calmed down he looked at him, took Izuku who patted him on the head, and cuddled with him. Izuku just continued to pat him and smiled as he felt the boy stop crying.

"M-my name is Keigo Takami.. P-please help me.."
At first I didn't wanted to put a brother figure into this so early but I just love Hawks too much to not do this. Also Tamaki will be into this a bit later.

Sorry that it is so short but I wanted to post at least something..

Have a great day!
Wordcount: 542

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