Chapter 10

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My life is strange, my family is stranger, my fiancée/half brother and I are…?


We put a handkerchief on Sam’s eyes. Julian and I walked him to the restaurant. The one with belly dancers. Sam always wanted to try these places but we never had time too. We signaled this for the birthday boy. The hostess nodded and we got to our tables. I sat down Sam and Julian sat beside him. I sat on the other side.

Julian untied the cloth.


Sam looked around and immediately saw the girls.

“BELLY DANCERS!!” Sam laughed.

“Yep. And you better make it worth while. I paid good money for this.” I whispered to Sam. Sam winked and me and nodded.

“Aww, you guys shouldn’t have.” Sam said.

“Okay, McDonalds is fine with me.” Julian shrugged.

Sam rolled his eyes. “Okay, okay. I love the both of you!”

I nodded and Julian gave him a hug. I giggled when they looked into each other’s eyes. Julian looked away and began drinking his water. Sam looked at Julian with Concern. I wonder what was up.

We ordered our food. Once our drinks came, I devoured mine into an empty glass cup. I had about five refills already. I had made two trips to the bathroom. I sighed happily as our food came.

I ate mine so slowly because it was so delicious. I looked at Julian. He was moving his food around his plate. Maybe he is sick or something. I look at Sam and he’s eating his food. His eyes move around so fast. He must like this food.

I’m beginning to worry about Julian.

I eat my food more. The hostess asks if we want dessert and I said yes. Hell, I paid for this whole thing. Mind as well make it worth it.

The hostess came back with our dessert and Sam was going between his other food and dessert. This guy could eat so much and NOT gain one ounce. I wish that was me. But whatever. Beauty is 100x more powerful inside.

I looked at Julian and he’s just staring at his food.

“Um, Julian, are you going to eat?” I asked, trying not to let my Happiness level sink.

“Um, I’ll take this food to-go. I’m not hungry right now.” He sounded like he was out of air!

I got up and sat by him.

“Julian, are you okay? Tell me the truth.” I demanded.

“My chest. It just hurts. Bad.” Julian coughed. I reached over and poured him a glass of water. I gave it to him. He drank some. He handed me the glass and then he started sweating.

“Julian, I’m taking you to the hospital right now.” I said.

Julian shook his head firmly. “No, this is Sam’s day and I don’t want to ruin it. Go on and finish the food. I’ll be fine.”

Julian turned away from me. Sam kept looking at him. He looked as if he’d seen a ghost. I sighed and began eating my food again.

I looked at Julianne. Truth be told, I forgotten all about her. I’m just not used to it yet. She was sleeping in her carrier. She seemed fine by me. I looked at Julian again and he lost color on his face. What was wrong with him? If he doesn’t shape up in an hour, I’m taking him to the hospital.

I looked at Sam once again. he just keeps looking at Julian. Clearly, he was worried about Julian. I sighed and put my fork down.

“Sam,” I whispered to him. He looked at me and I gestured for him to meet me by the bathroom.

“Well, I’m gonna go get a toothpick.” Sam said nonchalantly.

“I’ll be in the bathroom. Julian, can you watch Julianne for me? Please?” I asked gently.

“Yep.” Julian choked. I nodded and I didn’t want to leave him or Julianne. I was afraid something would happen.

I go to the bathroom and wait for Sam to come. I read all the advertisements. I see a mirror and start to look at myself. Maybe I should have straightened my hair. I look like I just got out of bed.

“Anna,” Sam greeted. I turned around and Sam’s leaning against the wall.

“Sam, when did you notice Julian was acting funny?” I asked, worried.

“This morning,” Sam sighed then he explained, “Well, when he got up like at 3AM. I saw the light on and he was in the kitchen. I saw him take Tylenol and make warm milk. He sat at the table for while. Then he just put his cup away. I went back into my room as slowly as I could. God, he kinda reminds me of my grandpa.”

“How?” I asked.

“I don’t want to say.” Sam whispered. I put my hand on his shoulder. He looked down. I put my arms around him and then I heard his breath shaking.

“I’m sorry, Sam.” I whispered.

“I’m okay. It’s just…I looked up to my grandpa. And now, I practically look up to Julian. He’s the only one who could figure out my problems and turn them into something worth hearing.” Sam said. He didn’t move at all.

“Well, I’m probably not as good as him but, you know I try. Julian will be there. I could see where you’re standing. Before all of this happened, I looked up to him as my brother. But, now, just don’t forget Julian and me we’re always here.” I smiled.

Sam hugged me. “I know. Let’s go back.”

Sam left first and then I went into the bathroom. I wet a toilet paper and stuck it on my shoe. I walked out and I looked at the table. Sam was already there talking with Julian. Sam is such a good friend to Julian.

Julian looked at me and he grinned. I think he saw my shoe.

I sat down at the table and then I saw Sam had a punch of toothpicks.

“What, Sam, are you going to sell them or something?” I asked.

“Nope. I’m just playing.” Sam grinned. Julian and both laughed. I looked at Julian and he still hadn’t had any color on his face. His lips weren’t as red anymore.

I looked at the clock. It was half an hour. I looked at Julian.

“Julian, go in the truck and take Julianne with you. Sam go with him. I get the check.” I demanded. Julian looked at me. Sam was doing was getting Julianne’s carrier. He helped Julian up and they walked out. Since I already played the place earlier today, I had to sign this thing. I went to the counter. I signed my name and then I walked out. I went around the restaurant and saw Sam helping Julian into the Truck. I figured Sam already put Julianne in the truck.

I jogged up to them. Julian sat in the back and Sam sat in the front with me. Of course, I didn’t know how to drive yet.

“Get to the hospital now.” I ordered Sam. He nodded and we were off to the hospital.

“Anna, I don’t need the hospital. I’m fine.” Julian said. His voice had gotten even more…Scratchy. I let out an apprehensive breath and ignored everything he said.

We got to the hospital. I grabbed and wheelchair because Julian could hardly walk. We got into the emergency room. The nurse took one look at him and immediately took him in.

Sam and I waited in the waiting room. I was chewing my nails.

“Anna, you really want to know what happened to my grandpa? Why Julian reminds me of him?” Sam whispered. I stop chewing my nails and look at him.

“Yes,” I choked then cleared my throat, “Only if you want me to know though.”

“With Julian having short breath, and looking like he’s already dying with how pale he got, it was like my grandpa. He was fine then next he’s in the hospital. he died.” Sam said.

“W-what,” I cleared my throat again, “What did he die from?”

“He died from a heart attack.” Sam said.

My eyes clouded. From where I could see, the doctor, was heading into our direction.

Julian&Anna Shane [Sequel to My Mom is a prostitute, my dad a sex addict......]Where stories live. Discover now