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"Oh no!!!"

"She's the thief!" but it was so clear... How couldn't I notice".
"It was her... She's the one!". I mutter immediately after opening my eyes.

Then I put two and two together.

The sound I heard that night from the thief before my parents rushed in...

It was a female voice... Which I found a bit weird

The girl in black I sighted at the church that same night..

The piece of ear ring I found in my room, coupled with the reaction of that wierdo last night when she saw the piece..

And she was on black too..

Now I'm so freaked out and tensed.

I grab my glass, but turns out its empty.

"Right timing" I say and head downstairs.

In the kitchen, I grab a bottle, and take a few gulps of water, and splash some on my face too.

I head back to my room, and decide to rest a bit.

There's school tomorrow, and with all these, I'm just not in the mood.

Taking a quick glance at my cell phone, I discover that the time is 4:50 am.

I need some sleep.. At least before six, but nothing seems to be working as my mind wanders of in thought.

But, why? What was her reason? She looks like she could be about my age.
So why's she doing this?

These questions flow through my mind as my eyes close, only to open again as I hear a sound coming from outside.

I peep through my window, and sight a girly figure talking with a man, another lady which is probably his wife standing beside him, and I think it must be her.

Not knowing what else to do, I go back to sleep.


"Get up Kylie, you've got to go to school." Mum says, waking me up.

"Just two minutes mum, promise". I say with sleepy eyes, turning to the other side of my bed.

"Just two minutes mum" mum mimics me. "Do you even know the time right now"? She says and points towards my clock.

"Oh good Lord!" I say, seeing that I'm running late for school.

I hurry to the bathroom, brush and take a shower, then I get dressed and rush downstairs.

"See ya" I say grabbing my bag pack And my keys.


I park my car and lock the door once I've reached school.

I go straight to my locker, ignoring the looks I get from haters.

I hear the bell and try to shove in some books from my bag, to my locker, then I close my locker and head for my geometry class.

I walk in and meet some girl in my seat. "What a great way to start my day" I mutter to myself sarcastically.

"She's the one.. Get up Sydney" another girl says to her.

"Like she owns this seat or what?" The Sydney girl says. "Not happening" she adds, placing her leg on the desk now.

With rolled up fists, I walk closer to this Sydney girl, and grab her by her shoulder.

"Take your filthy hands off me!" She yells.
"Look miss, I dunno who you are or what you do that makes these guys scared, but trust me.. I'm not at all scared of you". She adds
" I'm sitting here, and that's final" She says finally with a smirk.

The rest of the class waiting anxiously to see how I'll react.

I look at them all, and back at her... Then I shock everyone by saying "Nice to meet you.... I'm CJ" and bring out my hand for a handshake, smiling.

Something I hardly do.

"Sydney" the girl says calmly, accepting my handshake.
"Nice to meet you" she adds quietly.

I smile and take a seat next to her ignoring the murmuring and looks I get from people.

Then the principal walks in.

"Good day everyone" she says. "I'm sure you've met these guys" she says pointing towards Sydney and another girl who I didn't even notice.

She was too quiet, maybe that's why.

"They're new, and I don't want any trouble" She says looking directly at me, and I roll my eyes.

"Guys, get up and introduce yourself". She says.

"Sydney Brown". Sydney says, smiling

"And you?" The principal asks looking at the other girl.

"Molly Fonte" she responds with a quiet and familiar voice.

Kinda like that thief.

So sorry its late guys.

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