Silly Me

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I walk up to her, then she stood up and she was walking as though she was avoiding someone.

I don't know, but I think she's not normal.

She goes back to the bench and sits down, pulling a sad face.

Giving me the impression that she is infact, abnormal.

I walk over to the bench and sit beside her.
Funny enough, she doesn't notice my presence, well, until my phone beeps.

She looks up and sees me, and is about to run. As usual.

But this time I don't force her.

"I just want to talk. I'm not gonna hurt you. Promise" I say, looking at her.

She sits back and avoids eye contact.

"You're Molly right?" I ask her

No response

"Why did you...."

"Just leave me alone..okay?... Go away and don't ever disturb me again..." She says cutting me short.

"You know what...Its your fault... You and your dumb dad are at fault.." She adds, sobbing profusely.

Now onlookers are staring at us....well,

I give them a faint smile, assuring them that all is well.

"Pull yourself together" I say, seeing as she is sobbing so much so, that her eyes are turning red.

I put my hand across her shoulder, gently carry her up (with her shoulder) and lead her across the street...

To Syd's place.


"Look, she's here". Ken says as I walk in.

"Yay, she's got a friend too". She adds

"Where have you been all these while?" Syd asks rushing from the kitchen.

"And who is the friend?" She adds, pulling a puzzled look

"I'll explain..but can she please have a glass of juice?" I answer.

"Sure, why not?" Kendra says, signalling Syd to go get her a glass of juice.

"Oh great!, Why don't we invite random people in here for a free glass of juice, cos apparently, that's all we do here" Syd replies sarcastically.

Kendra gives her a glare, and she rolls her eyes, entering into the kitchen to get the glass of juice.

They probably didn't notice Molly was crying.

"Here u go" Syd says, handing over the glass.

"So Kylie, tell us about your friend here". Kendra says

"What's your name dear-.....wait a minute..... Are you crying?" She adds

"Actually, this is Molly. I met her in school, and maybe some other places(I mutter)"

"Yeah, but why is she crying?" Sydney asks, concerned.

"Ummm.... Long story". I add

"I'll tell you." Molly finally says.

"Really?" I ask, surprised.

"Yes". She confirms.


"My name is Molly." She starts.

"I have a younger brother, Miles. My mom passed away years ago when I was still little... And since then my dad took good care of us. Well.... until.... he passed on too". She says sobbing.

"So sorry, I do understand —...."

"No!, don't say you understand cos you clearly don't!!" She screams

"Actually, I do. I also lost my elder brother and sister..." I add calming her down.

"But I lost my father Kylie! My father!!" She screamed, crying deeply.

"That's okay" Kendra said trying to stop her from sobbing so much.

"Countless times!...countless times I've heard those words!!" Molly yelled.

"Don't worry, it'll be okay....don't be scared, you'll be fine.... Blah blah blah...." She added

"Look, Molly, I understand your pain...but what's done is done, try to get over this" Syd said.

"I mean.... It's not like you could do anything about it-

"Yes I can!!" Molly shouted

"Its all Kylie's fault and I can have my revenge!" She added.

"My fault?.... But how?" I muttered..

"Yes its your fault! You and your dad!!" She sobbed.

"But how?" I asked her

"It all just kinda happened" she started.

(Hehe.. Who remembers that phrase from the famous "henry danger")


This is another chapter y'all

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