Meeting Me

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Bang bang bang bang bang bang!!!

I wake to the loud bangs obviously of someone hitting my bedroom window  viscously.

“Wtf!!" I say amidst gritted teeth rolling up my fists probably for a face punch on whoever just disturbed my sleep at this moment.

But if its not for a face punch, then

I probably needed to visit the doctor and complain to him, that my fists just rolled up on their own........

Without my control.....

I was suddenly brought back by that continuous bang on my window.

I looked up to see some weirdo in all black.

That is including black gloves, and black thingies which he used to cover his face, leaving just two holes for both his eyes, and he held a black gun.

Its not like there's any other color of gun?

But just out of curiosity, is there?


OK, so I kinda,



Drew to conclusion, or more like discovered, that he was a thief.

But that's okay, coz unlike most people....
(Ok correction, everyone, and that's including the cops.....)
I'm not actually scared of thieves.

In fact, I love them
(Another correction, I love using them as my punching bags)
I just love their guts.

They show up at someone's house, and get them to bring out all their money, valuables, credit cards, jewelries and all other precious items, just by threatening them with a gun or other scary items which may not even be harmful, but may just look harmful.

I was suddenly brought back to earth, well, again, by the big bang on my bedroom window.

I walk briskly to my window, after coming down from my bed, and open up the window.

I grab the thief by the hand, and swing him over, such that he landed on his back and his head facing the ceiling.

I swiftly reach out for the gun I sighted him holding, and snatch them from him and now, I'm in control.

I look at him with disgust, the gun pointed towards him and I was about to pull the trigger.

What I heard next shocked me, but before I could recollect what had just happened, my parents rushed in shouting.

"Kylie!! kylie!! Don't do that, oh please don't" my mum squeaked worriedly.

"Too late mum" I added and smirked almost pulling the trigger

"Kylie Jessica Howard!! Put that down, Now!!" And that, was my dad talking, probably trying to be more mature and holding back the emotions he was clearly displaying.

"Not. A. Chance" I respond stressing every single word.

And then, the thief, probably bored from listening to our 'sweet family moment of emotion' (Note the sarcasm), skillfully grabbed a pillow and threw it directly at me, giving him a room to escape.

"Damn it!! He got away" I say getting up from the floor and looking down at the window.

"This is all your fault" I add facing 'you know who' right now.

Then, I finally break down.................something I've not done since that day......................the day that incident took place...................

"I finally got the chance to...............the.....the chance to teach those little bitches a lesson................and you just had the right timing........." I say stuttering

Tears welling up my eyes..........

And flowing freely from my mums eyes...........

My dad trying to be the mature one here and brushing off his tears.......


And then I storm out of my bedroom, grab my car keys and head to.................

Only God knows where........

Where a sixteen year old teenager would go whenever she needed a place..........

A place to rest........

To feel welcomed.....

To be comforted............

And that place,

Maybe call it a

"Comfort Zone"



Ok guys, this is the first chapter.....

Got all my motivation from my besties


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