Chapter Eight: Answers

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......I didn't realize how far we were from Gotham but I'm happy to finally be back.

On the way there J and Riddler fell asleep giving me long enough to ask, "Grayson are you Nightwing?"

They both looked shocked but finally, Bruce answered, "Yes, I'm Batman and he's Nightwing and yes, you know the other three but I'm still not going to tell you who they are."

Grayson looks out the window and I can tell he is upset. So, I decided to ask, "What's Wrong?"

Grayson looks at me, takes a breath, and answers, "You remember how I said my mom said I couldn't be your friend?" I look at him and nod yes, he continues "It was actually Bruce who told me to say that."

I turned to Bruce and asked in surprise and anger, "Why?"

Bruce looked embarrassed which is something I have never seen before and kept looking out the window at all the passing scenery which was mostly buildings when he finally said, "Well there are two reasons, reason one he was distracted with all the texting back and forth and reason two to tell you the truth I was jealous."

"Well, it's kind of your fault I was captured then... but," I grabbed both their chins and forced them to look at me instead of the window and continued "I like both of you, but I can't choose, and I don't want you two to be jealous of the other one."

They both kissed me on the cheek at the same time making me slightly blush. I looked at J and Riddler and said "But I also like them"

At the same time, they said "It's ok take your time to choose and we will still be by your side."

Grayson looked down at his feet and said "One more thing my name isn't Grayson..."

Bruce interrupted him and said, "Technically it is..."

I glared at him stopping him from finishing and faced Grayson again.

Grayson continued "My name is Dick, Dick Grayson."

"Well, I'm still calling you Grayson."

They both smiled and fell asleep. I'm writing everything down then getting on the laptop again.

After a couple of hours driving, we are finally here Me and Bruce are the only ones awake. Bruce tells someone to take Riddler and J to their rooms while I wake up Grayson. Once everything and everyone is inside, we three head toward the Bat-Cave. Once inside I saw people, I already know but I didn't suspect to be sidekicks to Batman. Like Red Hood being Jason Todd, or Red Robin being Tim Drake.

I turned around to face Bruce and said "BR... UCE WAY...NE!!!!! This whole time some of my best and let's face it dumbest friends were superheroes that I looked up to!"

I turned back around and said much calmer, "But you three still could have told me."

I realized everybody was glaring at Bruce I shrugged and told them "Stop glaring at Bruce he might have told you not to tell me, but you could have anyway."

Everybody put their armor on and came back. Bruce threw me a black and silver version of the Arrow Suit and said, "Welcome to the team Dark Arrow."

I asked, "Who the arm...or?"

"Oliver Queen." Bruce answered.

The Arrow walked in and said mostly sarcastic "Hey! I was supposed to give it to her."  then removed his mask to reveal it was the billionaire Oliver Queen, but I already knew he was The Arrow so thing one that didn't surprise me today.

"Didn't know if you would come." Bruce replied.

*Mini Time Skip*

We are all sitting in the library with J and Riddler, J with a neater version of his Arkham Knights suit and with Riddler in a green tux and black hat. All of us with weapons J had dual knives, Riddler had a sword that looked like a staff until he needed it, the staff was used as a sheath, and I had a black and silver bow and quiver. Everybody else had their normal weapons. We are all talking about the plan while I'm writing everything. The plan is Riddler gets us in the Arkham Knights base, J goes after Harleen and I go after Harvey, while everybody else goes get any information we might need.

*Another Mini Time Skip*

We're all now in the car I'm going through the laptop while everybody else is talking about the plan. When I come across a file that is named 


I clicked on it and saw two pictures of Harvey labeled before and after and one picture of J labeled before.

I read the text aloud "The over...ride serum c...ontrols anyone who is injected by it." Everybody had stopped talking and listened silently I continued reading "Today I helped Harvey with the plan involving Jeremiah b..ut the Fawn girl is too good of a f...ighter. I'm g...oing to have to separate th..em." I paused and asked, "Does s...omeone else want to read?"

Riddler who was next to me started reading "I went to Harvey's room today luckily as I could tell Fawn was in the shower. So, once I injected him with the serum, I didn't give him an order but left."

Riddler and I looked at each other worried and said at the same time "There are no more status reports because we stole the computer."

I turned back to the computer and saw there was one more thing it was less of a status report and more of a plan "Sometime, I, Harley Quinn will make Eri Fawn choose between curing Harvey Dent or Jeremiah Valeska because I only have one cure and I'll make sure she has it when the time comes." Everybody was staring at me I pulled out the blue serum from earlier.

J broke the silence sounding nervous, "So, who are you going to pick to use the cure for?"

I don't know what to say I was shocked. A year ago, I was running by Savertar's side doing whatever we wanted now I'm The Dark Arrow and so many people look to me for help. I answered, "I do..n't know."

The rest of the ride was silent instead of Riddler telling Alfred directions to the place.

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