Chapter Eleven: More Bonding And More Answers

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......I got a shiver down my spine then left going to the living room.

A little bit later Barry and Oliver came in and sat down to.

Then Bruce walked in "I thought I would be the first one in here."

I shrugged "I don't know what to do other than think so that was what I was doing before these two walked inside from training."

Barry and Oliver just nodded.

Bruce asked, "What were you thinking about?"

"I was thinking about what happened during the time I was with the Arkham Knights and the past two days."

"When you were missing I tried to look for you and finally I found you with J's help and the past day and a half is what we're going to talk about. It's why I wanted everyone to meet here."

As soon as he finished Drake, Grayson, and Jason walked in. Drake and Grayson were arguing and Jason just followed them and sat down.

"What are you two arguing about this time?"

Jason answered "They was doing pull-ups and got the same number done. Now they are arguing about who is better."

I smirked "What was the number?"

Jason looked between them and answered, "I think 127."

I looked at Oliver "Oliver can do 200 if not more."

They didn't stop arguing they just argued about who could beat Oliver's number. Finally, J and Riddler came in and sat down.

Bruce started "I wanted everybody here to go over what has happened the past day and a half. We didn't get much from the hotel, we have the same information we did before to be exact."

Oliver interrupted him "So in simpler words, we gained nothing, Eri was injured and things with Harly got worse."  Everybody nodded in agreement.

I asked, "How did things get worse?"

Barry got up and turned on the TV to a news channel there were reports of things Harleen and Harvey were doing thefts, vandalism, kidnappings. Everybody left one by one. Me and Jason were the only people left. I turned off the TV and was about to leave.

Before I left Jason said "Barry told me to ask you about his scar. Since you have a matching scar."

I shook my head "It was an explosion."

"What does he mean by you have a matching scar?"

While rolling up my left sleeve I said "Why do you think since I came back to Gotham, I only wore long sleeves? More importantly, why do you think I left Central City in the first place?"  Now my sleeve rolled up revealed a scar from a little above my wrist to my shoulder, which cover my shoulder entirely and ran somewhat down my side and back.

I left before Jason could say anything. I went to find Barry. I found him in his room working on the Savitar suit.

I asked, "Why?"

He stopped working "Why what?"

"Why did you tell Jason about my scar?" I whisper yelled hoping nobody else would find out.

"Because I was tired of you hiding it." he put his hand on my arm where the scar was and continued "It's part of who you are."

I quickly turned away and ran out of his room. I was angry with Barry, I didn't want people to know about or ask about my scar because it would remind me of the good times at STAR Labs. It's like my speed I hide it to forget about it, but I always remember. I went outside to find Oliver but instead found Grayson.

He saw me and asked, "Why do you hate being called childish?"  

I looked at him shocked at the sudden question "What?"

He walked over to where I was standing "Back in the woods when I called you childish, I could see a great pain in your eyes, and you changed emotions so quickly."

"Before I left Gotham for Central City before college the last thing Harvey said to me was that I was childish for leaving Gotham without telling anyone."

"If nobody knew then how did he find out?"

"The morning I was going to leave I told Bruce and Harvey. He was at the airport when I got there, and we got into a fight right before I boarded the plane, he said that I was childish and stupid for not telling anyone, that was the last thing he said to me before he became Two-Face."

Grayson looked like he was about to ask something else when the noise of something breaking echoed through the house.

Grayson ran inside rolling his eyes, "Not again."

I followed him confused about what was happening. We headed to the living room glass was on the ground and Barry and Oliver fighting with J and Riddler. Bruce stopped the fight and Jason took J and Riddler out of the room and I asked Barry and Oliver if they wanted to get lunch.

So, that is where we are now Oliver and Barry are getting the food and drinks while I find a table and write everything down. Oliver and Barry got back to the table, and we started eating.

I asked, "So, how is it being a hero, Ollie?"

He answered, "Arrow isn't really an honorable name anymore."


Barry answered smiling, "Arrow went back to his vigilante ways."

*Time skip*

We got back to the mansion. Everybody went their own ways. I went to find Bruce. I checked his study then his room I couldn't find him anywhere in the whole house. I was about to give up looking but decided to check the Bat-Cave. He was standing in front of the Bat-Girl suit.

I stood beside him and whispered "Bruce..."

He looked at me he was visibly upset "I miss her."

I held his hand "We all do."

"Have you ever thought what it would be like to have a normal life?"

"Yes, but I wouldn't know the people I do if I wasn't a hero or vigilante."

"Yeah, your right I would be a Billionaire and you would be my servant." he joked.

"Would not!"

He kissed the top of my head and right before leaving said "Would too."

"Would not!" I said then also left.

While walking outside of the Bat-Cave I ran into Drake literally. I almost fell when he caught me wrapping an arm around my waist.

He smirked "You need to stop falling I might not be there to catch you next time."

I rolled my eyes Drake laughed and said, "Come on, it's just a joke."

I backed away from him and said, "If you stopped making me fall you wouldn't have to catch me."

He started laughing again. "Anyway, why were you in the Bat-Cave?"

"Looking for Bruce, why?"

"No reason." he walked past me into the Bat-Cave.

'That was strange.'

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