+ t w e n t y e i g h t

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and so they met.

the cool breeze of japan spring failed to penetrate through ushijima's clothes and feel his skin. the guy is wearing a mustard-colored hoodie topped with a navy blue tommy hilfiger sweater and denim that fits not too tight and not too loose for him.

"are you cold, wakatoshi-kun?" tendou asked ushijima when they met.

but ushijima is not exactly cold, he just thought it's a good get-up for a meet-up. he stood there, expressionless, "no, are you?"

tendou wears a black turtleneck partnered with a moss green cardigan. his pants were of dark color which complimented his chosen clothes. he's wearing his reading glasses, and for some unknown reason, he's also wearing a face mask.

"no, im good," tendou replied while smiling from ear to ear.

they started walking towards god knows where, tendou leading the way.

"where do you want to eat wakatoshi-kun? i know a burger bistro near here that sells 'kilo burgers'. KILO BURGER! and you know what? they taste awesome!! you must try it at least once in your life before you die wakatoshi-kunnnn," he paused for a second then turned to ushijima, "oh, is it alright if i call you wakatoshi-kun? i mean we just formally met, if you don't want me to address you as such, i won't do so, but of course it'd be nice if i get to call you that because that sounds more comfortable."

ushijima, who's so much used to quiet and slow conversations, just blinked. he was totally overwhelmed by all the information tendou spat. he's a total chatterbox, ushijima thought to himself.

it took him couple of seconds to dissect what tendou said and form a response, "yes, wakatoshi-kun is fine."

"i asked if calling you 'wakatoshi-kun' is alright, not how you looked," tendou murmured but not soft enough because ushijima's hearing is as sharp as his jawline.

"uhhh," there was nothing ushijima could say. it was awkward, okay. but it seemed as if it was nothing to tendou so ushijima just shrugged it off and just followed tendou to god knows where.

"anyways, i really like their burger! they're juicy and healthy. i bet you'd like them. its patties were made from grass-fed australian beef and its patty size varies from whatever size you prefer: large, extra large or extra extra large. i bet you can eat their extra large burger, wakatoshi-kun. you're so tall and muscled, you seem like you're a big eater."

again, after the verbal whirlwind, ushijima just blinked and nodded. not that he's a fan of burgers but burgers are so-so for him since he's really much used to eating foods with high carbohydrates and high protein foods, usually rice and meat with vegetables.

upon arriving at the bistro, they were warmly welcomed by a familiar face.

"hey nishinoya-kun!!" tendou greeted first, his pitch one tone higher than the usual and his one hand still on the door that somehow prevents ushijima from entering.

"heyy tendou-san!! welcome, welcomee!! how are you? it's been a long time since you last dropped by," a fervent reply from the store owner was heard, "who did you bring this time? hehe."

nishinoya poked his head to see who's with tendou. much to his surprise, it's ushijima wakatoshi, their rival school's precious ace.

how tf are they related, nishinoya thought to himself.

"hi," ushijima tersely greeted.

"hello," nishinoya greeted back, "please have a seat."

ushijima just nodded and proceeded to choose a seat for him and tendou while tendou had some brief chitchat with nishinoya before having his seat.

"i didn't know nishinoya owns such place," ushijima started as soon as tendou sat back.

"oh, he doesn't exactly own the place, it's his sister's. he's just here to supervise while his sister is out," tendou explained which earned a questioning look from ushijima. tendou read it as if ushijima is asking how he knew the guy.

"i am very close friends with her sister because i always go here because i really like their burger. then one time something happened to the bistro while noya-kun is in-charge like now and i get to be of help to them then. so yep," he popped the "p" sound after he expounded, "but i didn't knew then that he's attending karasuno and he's a varsity player. how about you, how did you come to know him?"

"i met him at sendai city stadium. we'll be facing them next week for a volleyball match that will decide who will represent our region for nationals," ushijima calmly replied but his tone is determined, it was as if he's sure as hell that they will win.

"ohhhh," tendou mused. his hands were clasped together and placed below his chin to support his head, "you know what, i've never been to any of your matches before."

"yes, you've mentioned it before. do you want to see the match next week? students are given discounts if they purchase tickets."

let's get down to the business, tendou thought.

"is volleyball fun, wakatoshi-kun?"

[ x ]
im cutting the meet-up into two parts because i'm afraid y'all might get bored if it'll be a l o n g chapter.
the quarantine is making me insane.
stay home everyone, stay safe.

miracleboy / tendou satoriWhere stories live. Discover now