Chapter 1

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Hullo! So I  have begun editing this book since I'm almost done with it  plus I'm entering it for the Wattpad Prize! So if you could vote, and leave me a comment telling me what you think I would greatly appreciate it seeing as I'm trying to better myself as a writer. Thank you for taking the time to read this story, it means a lot to me and I hope you enjoy it! XOXO -Lanie

"I'm a creature of the night." It said and a cold breath fanned against the back of my neck making me whirl around, only there was no one there. It was like a phantom.

A pain began spreading through my neck, coursing through my neck igniting my body on fire from the inside out. I opened my mouth in a silent scream, my face contorting in agony.

"Please...stop." I was running my nails along my body trying to calm the raging inferno in my blood.

"Stop what?" The voice asked, it gave a deep, evil laugh and the pain intensified.

I opened my mouth, trying to scream, the pain was overwhelming. Let it all end…


I bolted upright, sweat pouring from my body despite how cold my room and body was. My hair hung from its pony tail and the stray strands clung to my skin. Never have I had such vivid nightmares. A wind blew through my room and goose bumps rose over my skin. I looked around my room, my window was open and the curtains blew like the glimpse of a ghost. I didn't remember leaving my window open before I went to bed, I never did that.

 I looked over at my clock, the glowing red numbers resembling the eyes that haunted me in my dreams. I ran a hand through my hair taking it from its pony tail and I took deep breaths, trying to calm the beating of my heart that pounded like drums signaling the start of war.

It was now 6:00, might as well get up. I turned on my bed side lamp, a faint glow lighting up the room, I then turned on my radio and soft classical music played. The music calmed me and I was able to think happier thoughts. I went to my bathroom and turned on the shower, soon a thick steam filled the room. The almost scalding water soothed my tense muscles, and I sighed in relief. After my shower I dressed in a pair of tight skinny jeans and a purple long sleeved shirt. I wore some light mascara and eye liner seeing as I was never one for heavy make-up. I was pretty much ready to go and it was only little after 7. 

I pulled out a book and sat by my window ledge and read in my comfy recliner. I couldn't get my mind off of my dreams, the nightmare would stay on my mind no matter what. I would constantly be thinking about it, even if I wasn't doing it on purpose. My mom walked in, a steaming cup of coffee in her hand. She leaned against my door frame.

"What are you doing up so early?" She asked.

"Nightmare." I was upset at how weak my voice came out.

She nodded in understanding and walked over to me, hugging me.

"Well I'm going to go make you a cup of coffee." She said before leaving.

I slipped on my flats and grabbed my book bag on the way out. The house was warm and cozy, a faint smell of vanilla drifted in the air. My mom stood waiting with a steaming travel cup of coffee for me. I took it and sipped gingerly sighing in content. 

"You better get going soon." My mom said and I nodded hugging her.

"See ya later." 

The clouds were grey and white swirled with the dark promise of a storm. The wind blew fiercely whipping around me and I shivered. A light drizzle began I mentally slapped myself for forgetting my jacket. Luckily I didn't have to wait long at my bus stop before my bus arrived. 

"Morning Beautiful." A voice said from behind me.

"Go away Brian." I said sending a glare his way as I crossed my arms.

"Your words hurt me!" He exclaimed a hand flying to his heart acting as if he was wounded.

"Too bad." I smirked.

Brian has been trying to get me to date him ever since we were in middle school. He's a player; blond hair, blue eyes, tan skin. He had a new girl on his arm every day.

"Just one date?" He pleaded.

"I-" I began but a voice cut me off.

"She said no, leave the pretty girl alone." I heard a familiar voice say.

"Sorry Alex, I'll leave her alone." Brain backed down.

I looked up to see my life long best friend Alex towering over Brian. I smiled at him and scooted over patting the spot next to me.

"Thank you." He said slinging an arm around my shoulder.

Alex smiled at me and swooshed his dark brown hair out of his eyes that glinted in amusement. 

"No, thank you." I said leaning into his hug.

"The poor boy just won't learn." He shrugged and I laughed.

"How are you feeling?" He asked suddenly serious.

"Eh, alright my head hurts a bit."  I said.

"Well if it gets worse go home." He said in a concerned voice.

"You got it." I said.

We fell into a comfortable silence and I returned to my thoughts. I had a tendency to get very, very bad headaches, so much to the point I would pass out. I've been to the doctor and they can't seem to find anything wrong with me.

"Scarlett?" Alex said standing up.

"Oh, yeah?" I looked up at him confused as to why he was moving. I looked out the window and realized we were at school. 

I stood up and followed Alex off the bus and we walked into our school. It had an expensive, private school vibe to it, with the swirled marble floors, high lights that glowed, not the bright lights that hurt your eyes but nice, dim lights. Students gathered around their lockers chatting with the usual morning buzz. I was aware of the pain growing in the back of my head and I felt very dizzy. I grasped at the wall for support, but could find none. 

"Scarlett?" Alex asked turning to me, I fell forward and Alex had just enough time to catch me before I hit the floor face first, a head splintering pain vibrating through me. Here we go again.

Remember if you like what you're reading hit that "vote" button for me and show me some love! Leave a comment telling me what you liked, what you like I could improve on, ect. I love constructive criticism! Just don't be mean!

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