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It's now the next day, I woke up still crying. I ended up looking in my mirror and got to talking to myself figuring out how I'm going to play my day off that I'm okay. I ended up looking for my clothes just so I can get in the shower and just try my best to not end up letting my tears out.

As soon as I got in the shower it all hit me all over again , man I pray I can control myself at school today ... especially in front of my homegirls man please.
I ended up getting out the shower , just as I walking to my room I seen my dad and he's just looking at me like he don't remember nothing from yesterday.

" so you can't speak when you walkin round in this house". I didn't even look his way I just kept on walking straight to my room. What type of Dad does this , I swear I will never forgive him for this. I wish my mom wasn't doing drugs , maybe she would be strong enough to kick him out and stand up for her daughter.

Just as I started to finish up with getting ready and bout to leave out I get a notification from my girls.

Nyla: Good morning whore's 💙🥰
Heaven : Good morning big heads 🤣
Me: GM. You guys ready ? I'm bout to be on my way to get y'all.
Nyla: what's wrong ? Girl you never text like that. We listening ...
Heaven: Exactly.
Me : Nothing I'm good seriously, I'm just sleepy that's all.
Nyla : hmm alright we know when something up with you but I'm fenna head to Heaven's house to make it a easier and faster trip for you.

I ended up ignoring them and just left out. I really hope I don't give them no signs of me being down. As soon as I turned on my car , I hurried up and turned it to some hood music I didn't want to listen to any emotional music.

Just as I'm pulling up to Heaven house I'm looking in the mirror making sure I look normal. I texted the group chat to let them know I'm outside , just as they was coming out the house I'm already knowing they going to get to asking questions being nosey. Nyla gets to sitting in the front and Heaven ends up getting in the back.

As soon as they got in the car they already looking at me weird , they know I don't listen to hood music at all. They still started jamming though and ended up recording their videos on Snapchat. That's all that matters as long as it's distracting them from asking me questions.

Just as we pulling up to the school I see Dre and Antonio pulling up as well. Just the people I couldn't wait too see. Heaven and Nyla end up giving me that look like I better not start. I ain't pay it no mind though. Just as I see them getting out they car I got out mines starting with them. " so Antonio why my name in y'all mouth and why y'all askin about me if there's anything about me that need to be said or known then be direct don't wait until I leave". He ended up laughing
" girl ain't nobody worried about yo ass and ain't no need to even be worried about you but trust n believe us you better hope we don't find ah reason to be" .

Heaven and Nyla ended up looking confused and shocked just as me. Dre just sitting there with his eyes all big.
" bro shut up you gotta big mouth".
"Dre what he talkin about since you seem to know everything".
They both ended up walking away and ignoring me. I went back by Heaven and Nyla so we can walk in the school together.
" girl your crazy as hell". Nyla ended up saying shaking her head. We got inside and started walking to Ms.Marie Class. 

For some reason as I started to sit down I got an flashback of what happened. I hurried up and ran out the class without even warning nor looking at Heaven and Nyla. I instantly splashed water all over my face as soon as I got in the bathroom and started looking in the mirror trying to calm myself down before I started to lose control of myself.
" come on jayla you got this come on".  I grabbed some paper towels drying my face off and ended up going back to class and started sitting down. Nyla and Heaven hurried up got to asking me questions. I just lied and told them I started my period. They finally calmed down and stopped asking me questions.

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