Eva just stayed up in her room, looking out the window. There was a bench in a clear view from where she looked out her window. A figure was walking up to the bench, and just laid down. "H-Huh...?" Eva's eyes widened. She quickly got out of her room, tiptoed downstairs, and exited outside.
"Hello...?" Eva walked closer to the figure, when it became more clearer, the figure wore an orange parka. The figure suddenly sat up. It was Kenny.
"Kenny!? What are you doing out here?" Eva asked. Kenny chuckled.
"What about you?" Kenny asked.
"I saw a person out my window, sadly laying on a bench, so I went over! Now you! Answer!" Eva demanded. Kenny totally ignored that question and frowned.
"You could have gotten murdered, that was really irresponsible. What were you thinking?" Kenny asked. Eva paused.
"I..." Her words trailed off.
Kenny rolled his eyes. "Well imma get my wittle bit of sweep!" Kenny said in a baby tone, closing his eyes to sleep.
"Nuh-uh, you're coming with me" Eva puffed her cheeks. Kenny then had a smirk on his face.
"So you could get your way with me like those sex scenes? Peeeerrrveeerrrt," Kenny giggled. Eva then hit Kenny upside the head again.
"At least I didn't fucking ask the other person what their breast size was!" Eva snapped, her face turning red, finally dragging Kenny to her home.
"You don't even know me either, so I could just yknow, pounce pounce," Kenny said.
"Shut up, you seem okay enough..." Eva opened the door to her home. The house just...looked empty. It was pretty sad. Of course there was the basic stuff, but there was not any like spice to it.
"Jesus your house is sad," Kenny said, then Eva covered his mouth.
"whisper." Eva whispered. Kenny nodded, her hand being removed from kenny's mouth.
"You just take the couch okay?" Eva whisper-asked, Kenny nodded, immediately hopping on the couch, facefirst closing his eyes. How did he even survive? Who knows.
Eva sighed, going upstairs, grabbing her blanket, only going back downstairs to toss it over Kenny. "I'll get lectured by my parents in the morning..." Eva said quietly, walking upstairs to go sleep.
The next morning, well Eva did get lectured by her parents. But she had to explain and come up with what she assumed happened, Kenny was kicked out of his house. But eventually Eva's parents let Kenny keep sleeping. It was a miracle.
Eva made breakfast, and then ate her food. She then made scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. Obviously not forgetting the coffee too. Eva walked over with the plate and cup of coffee, setting it down next to the mini table that was next to the couch. "Wake up Kenny," Eva said, poking his stomach.
Kenny immediately raised his head a little. "Hmmm...?" Kenny mumbled.
"I made you breakfast, and a cup of coffee," Eva said, pointing to the mini-table beside the couch.
Kenny's eyes lit up, he took the plate and then began eating like he was starving."Jesus..." Eva mumbled, watching Kenny eat.
Kenny looked up, and then swallowed the food he had in his mouth. "Oh yeah I forgot to ask," Kenny said, looking directly at Eva, eye to eye. "Why did you leave at the arcade yesterday?" He asked.
Eva's eyes widened, and she then began twiddling with her fingers. "As I said it was just me feeling funny after what happened in Garrisons class..." Eva said quietly.
Kenny sighed. "Then what about what you were dreaming about? You were crying when you woke up," Kenny said. Eva felt her heart stop a momento.
"I... " Eva now suddenly looked really uncomfortable. Kenny had noticed.
"Its fine, you don't have to tell me," Kenny finished his coffee, and his plate, getting up, walking to the kitchen, leaving Eva to just...stay there.
A few minutes later, Kenny came back. "Okay I am reaaaddyy!" Kenny smiled. Then Eva began heading out, Kenny following like a lost puppy.
When the two made it to the bus stop, Cartman snickered "You two have been getting friendly... was it anal?" Cartman snarled, then getting hit by Kyle.
"Jesus fucking christ do you ever shut up?" Kyle asked.
"Whatever," Cartman rolled his eyes. Eva couldn't help but just chuckle, sitting down. Stan walking over to Eva.
"It's nice to see you're making friends at least," Stan said. Kyle nodded.
"Yeah it's actually kinda refreshing to see a new face around here," Kyle added. Eva's cheeks turned red, and she made the ' Oh stahp' hand motion.
"You're all too kind," Eva smiled.
Kenny couldn't help but just smirk. Eva glared at Kenny. "What?" She asked.
"Oh nothing UwU" Kenny said.
"Did you just-" Kyle began. But the bus came just in time. The five immediately walking on the bus. Cartman sat next to Eva, unfortunately.
The bus continued to drive. As Eva was looking out the window, she was gonna say something to Cartman. She felt her arm being pulled, but no one was there. No one was in sight at the seats on the bus. As the bus continued to drive, Eva got out of her own seat, beginning to walk up to the drivers seat. There was a person there, but it was a person with a black hood. Their face never showed. As Eva looked ahead, the person was driving towards a school. Her old school. Her burning school.
"AAAAH!" Eva fell on her behind, covering her eyes.
"Eva! Wake up! Fucking hell!" Cartman exclaimed. Eva immediately snapped awake, panting. She just looked out the window, she looks at Cartman. Tears flooded out of Eva's eyes.
"Eva...?" Kyle peeped over his seat.
Eva wiped her eyes. "I-I'm fine!" Eva exclaimed. "I'm fine!"
"I'm fine."

South Park - Forever Young
FanfictionEva Mcqueen, recovering from a traumatic event in her life, she moves to a little cheap, seemingly quiet mountain town. South Park. It is quiet....right?